Have you seen these memes?

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There are these things called the "spongebob caveman meme." And I don't know how it started but I don't care every time I see it on my tumblr dash I die.

I mean look at these

I mean look at these

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The band one is one of my favorites and I relate to it XD

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The band one is one of my favorites and I relate to it XD

The band one is one of my favorites and I relate to it XD

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Every single high school class

Every single high school class

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This is totally Eren

The fucking eyebrows though XD

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The fucking eyebrows though XD

The fucking eyebrows though XD

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Again one of my favorites XD. Takumi though.

I love posting stupid shit like this, I don't think you all care about my stupid shit but whatever. Tell me if these made you laugh or not.

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