Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
Hello all my fellow followers, especially those identifying with the LGBT community. As you've seen from the title it is officially the month of June, the month of LGBT pride. Commentating the resilience, love, and community filled with dedicating and loving people who want to freely express themselves and that love.
As for why June is pride month, it is to commemorate the Stonewall riots that occurred by the end of June in 1969. But this is just one part of history.
LGBT history was not always victory, there were A LOT of loses, tragedies such as the AIDS crisis. Even today, and I'm talking The Pulse and Orlando. They're tragedies, but they're also signs of how far the community has made it. From now and upcoming generations we remain strong, and we shall continue to grow that strength.
The LGBT community is not perfect, it's far from perfect. There's still pretty much a lot of discourse that happens.
But not everything has to be sad, for this is a time to show off happiness and like I said before, love.
And for everyone with friends apart of the LGBT community, contact them. And tell how much you love them whether they're open about their sexuality/gender or not. This is a huge shoutout as well to all my followers who are gay, lesbian, bisexual (ayyyee), pansexual, asexual, transgender, agender, demigender, intersex, etc. everything that's not het/cis. Even those that are closeted (like me, despite the fact that I have outed myself accidentally several times.) This month is our month, so express yourselves, be happy, go to pride parades if you can, or continue to educate yourselves. Most of all just stay safe or happy.
The media has a calendar for pride month. Celebrate or just continue your day like normal, either I wish you a good one.
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