Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
You all should watch Daredevil on Netflix or possibly Hulu. Anyways tagged by gayhyungie , thanks babe. 20 facts about me, 20...boi...
1. I'm more emotional than people think. Sometimes I just burst out crying or just shoving everything off my desk for unknown reasons.
2. I'm getting into less anime these days because they're mostly not catching my interest. I'm still into the older ones (which are much better.)
3. I have several self indulgent fantasies that if I speak about out loud will make people avoid me more than they usually do.
4. 30% of the time I'm an existentialist, because we're all gonna die at some point so I might as well do the thing. Also I want the sun to explode already.
5. In my career I have been to three rallies, all of them for LGBT issues. I plan to participate in more, for a wide variety of issues.
6. Sometimes I want friends, and sometimes I wonder why people are friends with me.
7. I have never been someone else's best friend. Or have been told that ever.
8. I love my friends more than myself. See I hate myself, but I see one of my friends in distress I throw everything away and dive into comfort mode like Scott does out the window.
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9. 80% of my time is spent on Tumblr, when I'm in one of my slumps or don't want to talk to my friends about problems because anxiety I go there. Most of the time it distracts me. Plus no one I know uses tumblr except for like 2 people.
10. I'm starting to play more League than Overwatch, mostly because my gaming computer (my dad's) is at home and I miss League. Any of you peeps got League hit me up with your username.
11. I have so far have had three identity crises that has caused me anxiety and am about to have another one really soon.
12. I main Pharah (FEEL MY JUSTICE) and Symmetra.
13. I have abandonment issues. Bad abandonment issues. Partly spurred from this one time where me and my cousins went exploring in the woods when I was seven. I barely remembered what happened but I think we found an abandoned house but then they started sprinting for some reason. I just followed sprinting but then I lost them and roamed the woods for like 20 minutes. Also all the friends I have attempted to make have left me for better people.
14. I want more gamer friends to play games with.
15. I hate Calculus so much I have skipped my last 8:30 am lecture for two weeks. Right before finals too.
16. Severe executive dysfunction/hyper fixation. I could focus on doing something for hours and hours and not notice the time even if I should be working or want to work. It's a problem.
17. I'm severely questioning my sexuality, which in part has caused an identity crisis.
18. If I got to a party with a friend, a rare thing, I would follow them everywhere.
19. The latest I have stayed up was until 8 am with a can of monster beside me. I couldn't stop vibrating after drinking it.
20. I love conspiracy theories. (Aliens, Bigfoot, etc.)