Just a description

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So I'll tell you about me, but first I'll tell you the reason I started this book. It's because I'm bored and I'm struck for ideas for my fanfics. If anyone wants to see a specific fanfic I'll be happy to write about it.

So now...
My name: I'll be honest in that I never trusted giving my name on the Internet, hell I didn't have a Facebook until I was like 15. But I'll reveal it, only my first name though, this can be found in the description too. It's Marissa, those who read my Hetalia fanfic will see this too.

Personality: my personality is all over the place. But if I had to generalize I would be seen as a really kind person. I give compliments whenever, I give advice, I help people, I volunteer. I try to make people feel better. But I'm also really, really anxious and stressed out like everyday. I do try to help people but sometimes my mind tells me not to because I might embarrass myself or the person would get annoyed with me. I said in my description that I suffered from Social anxiety once, I'll talk about that later. I also may be kind but I'm also selfish, I can get jealous, I'm sort of sensitive like every other human. I can also be very lazy, like VERY lazy. I also get mad more easily if someone says something or gets on my nerves.

Let's see what else...
I'm not that popular with people, even though I want friends.

I'm from America, that's all I'm going to tell you. But I'm from a different culture, the Indian culture, not Native American if that's why you're thinking. If you saw me in real life you could tell from my skin.

Many of my friends outside of Wattpad and myself are big nerds. Like if you met us you would love us instantly. We're like our own nerdy clique.

I'm 17 but I'll be turning 18 later, which also means I'm close to my first year in college. Ah..adulthood and independence it makes me anxious if I'm going to be honest.

I'm both a music and science person. If I ever mention anything related to biology or genetics in my fanfics is because that's my favorite subject. I play the clarinet and a little piano, I used to dance but I quit when I was like 10.

I'm also a big sister, the oldest sibling. I have a little brother and a little sister. I'm trying to convert my sister into an anime fan because she likes Hetalia. And my brother, well he's autistic, I mean he could communicate and learn like a regular person, it's just his behavior is very abnormal, and he's the reason why I want to study neuroscience.

Well that's all I have for now. More parts may just be random blurbs. Anyone who wants to say anything could just comment and I'll reply immediately.

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