Airports suck

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Can I rant? I'm ranting... (Nothing serious though.)
I hate airports, not only that but I hate highways. It's scary enough to drive on a highway, but a highway full of traffic? So story time, it's just me and my mom heading to the airport to pick up my dad. And just the whole route is congested more than a stuffy nose, there was barely enough room to move two inches. So we ended up stuck an hour in traffic, thank god we left early. So then we reach the terminal, but my dad did not get his luggage according to my text. And in the international terminal there were so many police officers as well as fucking traffic. And the police officers didn't even give us a chance to wait at the terminal for my dad. So we had to exit out of the airport to take another exit and loop back into the airport, but the frustrating thing is my mom missed the exit. Oh yeah she was driving, so suddenly we ended up in the city lost as fuck while I was trying to set up the GPS on my phone (iPhone). And my mom was screaming her head off at me, and it turned into a screaming match. And we didn't reach the airport until 20 minutes later. It was STUPID. I blame airports.

On the other hand a little update, I might be on Wattpad from time to time checking up on things while sitting on a 10 hour road trip cause my phone can use data. But when I cross the Canadian border it's bye bye data. So then I would rely on wifi.

But a little info on the fics.

I'm like 50% done with the Bungou stray dogs one shot. I changed it up a bit cause I didn't like it.

I'm more than halfway done with an Osomatsu chapter.

And I started a new chapter for Compassionate Partner.

Yeah that's about it, oh and look at the picture in the media I was laughing so hard when I first saw it.

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