Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
I got tagged, wow it's been a while. Also I'm sick and bored and just overall dying inside so I might as well do something. Literally I've just been lying in my bed after math lecture for 2 hours.
So basically the tag is an Assassination classroom tag. Shit it's been a while since I've seen it and I got a shit memory so I'll try answering as best as I can. Tagged by otakuinglasses
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Day 1: What got you into Assassination Classroom? A: Tumblr, need I explain?
Day 2: Who's your favorite male character: A: Isogai, I find he's a cool dude. And well near the ending he gets his time to shine. And definitely has his share in character development.
Day 3: Who's your least favorite character? A: Ehhh hard to say. I think everyone is unique in their own way, it's hard to dislike anyone. So none?
Day 4: Who's your favorite female? A: I guess if I really had to pick it would be Aguri. Yeah surprise right? The reason, well I liked her personality and I felt like she was that like changing point for the God of Death. (Trying really hard to avoid spoilers).
Day 5: Who's your least favorite female character? A: Nagisa's mother, whose name I forgot. She was a bitch.
Day 7: Would you be in Team Nagisa or Team Karma? A: Ah our two main characters and poster boys for this anime. Eh, Team Karma //holds up shield in case of fangirls.
Day 8: Who inspired you the most in AssClass? A: I love that abbreviation so much. And unshockingly our main character Nagisa takes the spot because of his development and overall speeches. Plus in the manga he just changes so much that it makes my mind scream.
Day 9: How much of a pervert do you think Koro-sensei is? From 1-10 A:
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...BRUH off the scale. //cough tentacles.
Day 10: Do you like Koro-Sensei's human form or his mutated form? A: Can I say both? His mutated form is unique and pretty cool and funny to look at while his human for is just//coUGH.
Day 11: Who do you ship the most in AssClass? A: I'm pretty lax on shipping, I don't really ship anyone tbh and kind of just follow canon. BUT, let's be honest, Karma and Nagisa are pretty gay at one point. Like every time Nagisa just walks in the room Karma's just
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Day 12: Would you recommend AssClass to your friend? A: Oh definitely, unique characters, interesting premise, awesome action, a kickass opening, KORO-SENSEI. It's a legit very good anime and manga.
Day 13: Does AssClass make you go emotional sometimes? A: YES AND THOSE WHO WATCHED KNOW WHY.
Day 14: What is your favorite assassination technique? A: I would say the various techniques you can do with knives. Like close and long ranged combat is covered and what the characters have shown has impressed me. They would dominate Assassin's Creed tbh.
Day 15: Would you like to be taught by Principal Asano (when he taught 3 students) or the Asano from now? A: Hard to say, I would take teachings from the most experienced Asano.
Day 16: Would you beat Karma or Asano in math? A: Don't you mean would they beat me in math?
Day 17: Would you want Koro-Sensei as your teacher? A: YES PLEASE
Day 18: Would you pronounce Bitch-Sensei's name as Irina Jelavic or Irina Bitch? A: Just Bitch works for me
Day 19: When you first watched AssClass did you think Nagisa was a girl? A: You know I thought he was just a cross dresser, and at one point Trans. But like yeah I did, just like how I thought Pidge from Voltron was a boy at first.
Day 20: What do you find the most Creepy thing about AssClass? A: At first it was Koro-Sensei but I got over that quick. I don't find anything creepy about it really.
Day 21: What's Kayano's nickname? A: Wait she's got a nickname?
Day 22: Would you prefer touching a bomb or tentacles? A: Depends...is it Koro-sensei's tentacles? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Day 23: Have you seen any anime references in AssClass? A: The ones I remember are One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, I think there was a KnB reference, that one with that guy with the nose hair power (Bobobo-bobo or something like that.) there was possibly a Soul Eater reference.
Day 24: What was your favorite Arc? A: If I'm going to be honest, the last one, where a large amount of ugly sobbing came from me because Koro-sensei. But a lot of them were really enjoyable.
Day 25: What is your least favorite Arc? A: Ehhh, I don't have one.
Day 26: What is your favorite moment? A: The most memorable is that kiss. You know the one where Nagisa shoves his tongue down Kayano's thro//slapped.
Day 27: Would you like to be an assassin? A: I play Assassin's creed does that count. But yes. Hell yes. Then I can assassinate our idiot of a president.
Day 28: Do you watch the anime? A: I watched the anime first before I found the manga. I'm still working on the manga even though I know what happens.
Day 29: What do you enjoy most about AssClass? A: The characters mostly because they bring this anime to life.
Day 30: Right now, Rank Assassination Classroom from 1-10. A: I don't think it's the most perfect anime in the world. It has flaws no doubt looking at it from a critic perspective but it's still much better than most I have seen so it gets a solid 9.
Now I need to tag people right? Welp since I'm a loser I have no one to tag. Well I guess I tag all of my followers who have seen Assassination Classroom.