Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
Rule: You can only answer the questions in this tag and you can't make up your own.
It actually makes it easier for me to not come up with questions alrighty here we go.
1. What was the last picture you took on your phone? A: I think it was a selfie of me in Disney.
2. What were the weirdest things that have happened to you? A: Puberty...I'm kidding. Uhh I guess this one time me and my friends were exploring an unused street in my neighborhood and we found an abandoned house or school or some really big building. We crossed the fence and I felt something watching us. No seriously I had a weird feeling so we just booked it out of there...spooky right?
3. Do you ever pretend to be sick so you don't have to go to work/school? A: Never pretended in my life and probably not going to. Hell even if I am sick (like cold if it's a fever I stay home) I still go. I never wanted to miss a high school class because of the crapton of work I'd have to make up (let it be known that I took several AP courses.)
4. Would you rather eat green beans forever or live in a world without anime? A: Eh, I don't mind green beans I'll eat them.
5. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of worms for $1,000,000? A: Hell no that's nasty end of story.
6. Where were you three hours ago? Did you think that someone was stalking you? A: I was at a mandatory meeting at school where they gave a dramatic performance of drunk driving and car crashes. A lesson before we all graduate, and I don't think anyone stalked me. It was legit they even brought the police, firemen, ambulance, and one kid died (acting wise of course). Message to people: Don't drink and drive and never get into a car with someone under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It's been told to death but some people just don't listen. Seriously don't do it there's a reason people keep telling you.
7. If you were a Microsoft program which would you be? A: Odd question but I'd be Word cause I love writing.
8. If Germans were the tallest people in the world how would you prove it? A: *Gets measuring tape* Actually there were a couple of German exchange students in my school that were pretty tall. And have you seen Germany from Hetalia?
9. Why can't women put on mascara with their mouths closed? A: I have a theory, it's cause of bottom lashes. Maybe open mouths give a better angle? I don't know much about make up and all that. I'm more of an eye liner person.
10. If quizzes are quizzical what are tests? A: Testical...wait a minute...aw fuck.
11. If you throw a kitty out the window would it become kitty litter? A: Ok first of all for the pun:
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Second of all: I would never throw a kitty out the window. Third of all: Ichimatsu would hate you for that. Fourth of all: Yes it would become kitty litter.
12. Would you rather live without the Internet or eat rotten eggs for a whole year? A:....Fuck...I don't want the eggs but I can't live without Internet, all of our generation nowadays can't live without Internet.
13. If you were a boy/girl (opposite the gender you are now) what would your name be? A: That would be up to my parents, but they would give me an Indian name definitely like Amith or something.
15. If you could choose one superpower what would it be and why? A: Fly so I don't have to walk everywhere. After Disney my feet hurt like hell after walking everywhere. Let's hope I don't fly too close to the sun though *wink wink nudge nudge*
I'm only tagging five people cause you know why not and I'll probably tag others for another. If you wanna do the tag and I forgot to mention you just comment.