Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
I decided to do the tag by RavenOtakuChan since she tagged everyone (plus her questions are lit) so let's do it!
1. Do you believe in love at first sight? A: Honestly no, I mean it's cute to see it in like a movie or book or something, but Love takes work. I'm pretty those who have fallen in love agree it takes commitment (like extreme), passion, as well as understanding and time (time is a key factor) and not everyone will fall in love instantly. But that's enough rambling on my part.
2. What's your top 3 anime waifu/husbando? Aw just 3? Well... 1. Agni (obviously) from Black Butler.
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2. Rin aka Bitch baby (even though I'm 75% sure he's gay or at least Bi.) from Free!
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3. Sleepy Ash/Kuro aka the shut in lazy ass vampire from Servamp (new husbando)
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If I had to pick a waifu though it would be Ryougi Shiki from Garden of Sinners, cause she's badass. (And yes she's a girl)
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3. What is the last song you listened to? A: Fight song by Rachel Patten
4. Fave reveal? A: Do you guys really want to see my ugly face. (Although I do have my Instagram.) I'm pretty sure I have a couple of chapters in this where I reveal my face but..
5. What's something you like about yourself? A: Uh, I'm selfless I guess?
6. If you were married to only ONE anime character who would it be and why? Aw crap, well...if I'm gonna be honest Jyushimatsu. (I'M SORRY HOMURA ALTHOUGH I STILL SHIP YOU GUYS). He's just a total sweetheart, probably secretly kinky and I can see home just gushing and being very caring over his s/o
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7. Have you traveled anywhere outside your home country? A: Well I live in the U.S of A and I've traveled to a few Caribbean islands, Canada, and France, I haven't gone to India only my dad and grandmother.
8. Chocolate or Vanilla? A: ....Both...if I had to pick one...Chocolate.
9. Last anime you've seen? A: Servamp, I'm about to start Mob Psycho 100 those are the only ones this season that I want to see.
10. Do you draw if so, show something you drew? A: I have an Art book in case people didn't know but...here have a crappy sketch.
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11. How do you feel about Raven san? A: Fabulous person! Would be cool to hang out with. Certified Osomatsu-san trash and fellow fan girl. Also a proud pervert and just an overall awesome person. Also her writing is amazing.
12. Favorite animal? A: Right now it's the Red Panda.
13. How old are you? A: A legal adult.
14. Finish this sentence "Life is meaningless without ________" A: I'm gonna be kind of a jerk and say life is meaningless without struggle. We all have to struggle some point in our lives whether from mistakes or something else so we can power through and learn from it and become stronger (I'm starting to make a shonen manga speech) Of course friendship is also important (Friendship is magic people.) lol I'm so cheesy.
My Questions:
1. An anime with a terrible plot but extremely well developed characters, or an anime with a well developed and intriguing plot but sucky characters which one would you choose to see?
2. What is the oldest gaming console you have?
3. How would you handle meeting a mentally ill person (ex. Depression, autism: my little brother has autism where he moves around abnormally and can't think critically only simply but he can communicate.)
4. Do you think we can ever achieve world peace?
5. Name one crossover you really want to see.
6. Name one television series you like. (other than anime that you really like for example I like Parks and Rec.)
7. Name one horrible English dub and one amazing english dub.
8. Name one positive aspect about yourself (and don't say none.)
9. What team are you for Pokemon Go or what team do you wish to be on from what you've heard of you don't have Pokemon Go?
10. Name one struggle you've overcome?
11. Are you highly perverted or mildly perverted?
12. Favorite meme?
13. Name one improvement you can make about yourself? It can be about anything.
14. Anyone else sad that Summer's almost over?
Ok that's that, I tag...EVERYONE *points left* You get a tag! *points right* You get a tag! *Flails arms* You all get tags! Just comment please if you want to do it!