Reverse Harem Fanfiction is a go! A look into plot and characters.

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I did it, I started planning for the fanfiction and I'm already ready to write the prologue, I don't know whether I should call it a prologue more like an introduction because it's really short.

The plot description is made, and the characters are made! That's done off of my checklist.

As for the plot this is what I got: (lol rhyme.)
A young girl striving to be an author is accepted into the Tokyo Innovative Institute a new school built for those who exceptionally excel in a specific subject whether Science, Literature, Social Science, etc. These students study for four years displaying their talents and the finest level. All until their last year where they'll go into the working world without having the need for higher education. The girl plans for her first novel to be a romance but to her dismay she has zero knowledge of the subject. That is until..she gets accepted at the school. Now here's a problem why is this school infested with just boys? Now our protag shall jump into her own love story as she tries to create one. It's as if this was all one huge..dream.

Ehhhh that's all I got it's in the works anyway.
Now for characters.

Credits to
Reina_de_Naipes for your help with the characters and the plot as well as title suggestions, you especially have the credits for Nico.
XCheshire_Cat_SmileX for help in the characters you especially have credits for Kenichi (is it all right if I change his name?) and getting a feel for them.
MangoTacoLuverz for your drawings of the character and the visual aid.

Now I just need to make a cover.

Anyway who wants to meet the characters? For their visual aid I'm just going to use images I found on the Internet for now.

Anyway who wants to meet the characters? For their visual aid I'm just going to use images I found on the Internet for now

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Guy 1: Nagasaki Jun- The well balanced leader type. He's the type to step up and be a leader like ironically a student council president. Of course sometimes he can get a little power crazy, and he's really clumsy. The type of person to look at a situation and think of the best solution. He's a planner a very good planner. He's not a nerd by any means either. Knows when to be serious but to also let go and have fun. He's also the "main" guy to be paired with the protagonist. Special talent in Criminal justice.
Backstory: Of course coming from a military based family from his father's side he had gotten his father's leader skills. Plans to study Criminal justice in the future, there's more to him than meets the eye though and that's for the protagonist to find out.
Physical looks: Shaggy black hair, hazelnut colored eyes, kind of tall standing at 5' 9" white colored skin.Not too muscley but he's toned. Clothing consists of a white long sleeve dress shirt, a beige colored sweater vest, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

Guy 2: Sasaki Nico (half Japanese half Spanish)- The intelligent/serious type. The analytical, smart guy who always surpasses others in terms of intelligence. He's always taking his tasks seriously 24/7 and plans to do it without fail. Special talent in business studies, (as well as everything else but mostly business.)
Backstory: Nico was a guy who didn't felt like he belonged. Being half Spanish and half Japanese is weird enough. But from the feelings of being a disappointment to his father Nico strives to make his place.
Physical looks: Dark brown neck long hair, tanned skin, Height: 5' 7". Turquoise colored eyes. Average Body mass, but have signs of muscles. Wears a dark green dress shirt complemented by a red tie, black vest and slacks, brown loafers. Ok I couldn't find a good image for this guy just imagine an ikemen.

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