Hunger Games Simulator Round 3

36 8 137

Now amr29_ is joining us replacing Mahiru. Genos and Saitama from OPM and Leo and Takumi from Fates are joining, as well as Lily and Misono from Servamp.

 Genos and Saitama from OPM and Leo and Takumi from Fates are joining, as well as Lily and Misono from Servamp

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Let's start!

As the tributes stand on their podium, the horn sounds.

Ichimatsu clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Lance grabs a shield leaning against the Cornucopia

Licht snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
(At first I didn't see the rag part and I was like "Licht did you seriously want to get drunk at a time like this?")

Chrom grabs a backpack, not realizing that it's empty

Leo runs away from the Conrucopia

Takumi runs away from the Cornucopia

Kuro runs away from the Cornucopia

Keith runs away from the Cornucopia

Tsubaki runs away with a lighter and some rope

Dori runs away from the Cornucopia

Bucky runs away from the Cornucopia

Genos runs away from the Cornucopia

Lawless runs away from the Cornucopia

Sakamoto runs away from the Cornucopia

Azurine runs into the Cornucopia and hides

Misono runs away from the Cornucopia
(Run bby run!)

Grell runs away from the Cornucopia

Mar scares Lin away from the Cornucopia

Reina snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag

Lily runs away from the Cornucopia

Marissa takes a handful of throwing knives
(Muhahahaha I'm out to kill)

Snow grabs a shield leaning against the Cornucopia

Saitama runs away from the Cornucopia

Day 1:

Dori diverts Reina's attention and then runs away

Lily makes a sling shot

Grell begs for Takumi to kill him. He refuses, keeping Grell alive
(He just can't get over his Sebby-chan.)

Misono, Marissa, Genos, Azurine, and Keith hunt for other tributes.
(Ayyyy I'm working with cyborg booty and smol purple child.)

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