RWBY is ruining my life

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By that I mean volume 4 so far...

Is Roosterteeth alright? Cause the cast of RWBY sure isn't. When did everything turn so dark? Where did all these feels come from?

Warning spoilers....

I cannot express how like upset I am, mostly with the characters because they keep dying or are getting close to dying. Those who have been following up with Volume 4 know that Qrow has been poisoned, and it makes me upset. Not only because Qrow didn't get much battle screen time but also it's a pretty lame way to go out. By lying and dying by poison. Also because Qrow is one of my favorite characters and Ruby's mental state might keel over if she loses her uncle. And now team RNJR has split up, a lot of foreshadowing. Although I'm excited to see some Ren and Nora backstory, it seems like a serious and sad backstory. Also may I say...fucking SUN, and Blake like what? Sun better only be injured from that wound because that strike looked close to vital organ territory. Who the fuck was that chameleon Faunus? I want to know more it's killing me.

Other than that I'm glad Weiss and Yang are getting on their feet. But I'm just nervous of what's coming in later episodes. I'm still upset over Qrow, they better not kill off Qrow or I will RIOT.

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