13 facts Tag

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Another 13 facts tag. I've just...I no longer can remember what I've been tagged for but this one is recent. Tagged by Reina_de_Naipes

1. I actually did do Bollywood Dancing when I was like younger. But I've quit and all knowledge had escaped me. I'm kinda sad, but meh. My favorite to dance to was Dola re Dola from Devdas cause it's upbeat.

2. I don't have an outside of Wattpad "best" friend and I don't even think I have a best friend on here. No one to hang out with or talk to in person.

3. I will always love the game series Touhou. I'm surprised no one on here has heard of it. It's a danmaku game that's extremely popular. In fact I created a crossover with the anime One Punch Man with some of the characters. Plus that game just has the best themes.

Here's Sakuya's theme (from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody)

Here's Youmu's theme (from Immortal and Missing Power)

4. Counting down, two weeks until I move into my college dorm.

5. I write even though people may not read it. Cause I have ideas and I write them down.

6. I personally don't care for my follower count, but I do treat all of them with respect. Even if they don't talk to me much.

7. Sometimes I just get really lonely that I want to sleep all day.

8. I think I've been having Insomnia problems. Like I just can't sleep.

9. I finally got a new license. I didn't break any laws, I just needed a new one since I'm like a "legal" adult.

10. New Servamp baes are  Misono and Lawless.

11. I'm going to PAX East gaming convention next year.

12. For most of my writings I imagine them in my head first before I write something. Playing the scenerio in my head makes it easier for some reason.

13. I always feel like I'm overshadowed. But no matter I just sit in my room...alone. And read on Wattpad...alone. I've ran out of interesting facts. And I'm always afraid of messaging people because I feel like I'm bothering them. And I'm just not an interesting person to converse with.

I tag: Anyone who wants to do this tag. I doubt anyone would read this anyway I think I just made myself unintentionally sad...aw well. Just comment please if you're going to do it.

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