Chapter one

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Billies Pov
I sat on my couch watching the tv flicking through the channels. Nothing good was on, out of over 300 channels you'd expect something decent to be on.

My phone buzzed, a message from Mike 'band practice in the studio, pick Tré up on your way'
'K be about ten minutes' I replied, perks of living close by each other I suppose.

The only thing I was dreading was the car ride with Tré, it's not that I didn't like him or anything it was the complete opposite. I love Tré, ever since me and Adrienne got divorced something just told me that he was the one I wanted all along

I got up and put my black converse on and grabbed my car keys. I got into my car and pulled off the drive way and sped towards Tré's house. Stepping out of the car I checked to make sure I looked decent, after all this was the man I was after. After ringing the doorbell about five times I decided he probably couldn't hear me so I allowed myself into his house.

"Tré" I shouted, not reply "TRÉ, where are you man" I shouted a little louder this time. I listened for a little and I could finally understand why he couldn't hear me, he was busy playing st Jimmy on his drum kit. I walked down into his basement only to be met with a very sweaty and very shirtless Tré, 'damn he looks pretty cute' I thought to myself. I walked up behind him and decided to scare him, I quickly grabbed his shoulders which resulted in him yelling fuck very loud and throwing his drum sticks across the room.

"Hi Tré" I said like nothing had happened "oh hi Billie, damn you scared the shit out of me man" he said with mock hurt in his tone. "That was the idea" I smirked loving the way he smiled slightly, I chucked a shirt at him and told him to put it on. "Come on mikes waiting" I said. I followed Tré out of his house staring at him in awe he was so goddamn beautiful, "take a picture it'll last longer" his voice snapped me from my thoughts I didn't even realise I was staring. "I-uh" I stuttered not really knowing how to respond to it.

Turning on the car we drove to the studio in silence, and often I would glance over to Tré and see him intently staring out of the window with his beautiful blue eyes.

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