Chapter eight

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"God you're so cute Billie"
"You've already said that"
"I don't care it's true"
"Hey Tré guess what"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Billies Pov
I got a sudden rush of happiness through my body as Tré said those three words that I longed to hear from him for years. I traced little butterfly kisses all the way up his neck and behind his ear where I gently ran my hand through his hair.
"You know Tré there's nothing in this world that can explain how much I love you"
"You don't need to explain, I already know just how much you love me. I love you so much beej, I can already tell this is gonna last forever"
I cut him off by a kiss, he kissed back and deepened it more and more. What had felt like hours had only been a few minutes and we were already out of breath with swollen lips.
Tré sat down to eat his sandwich and I sat opposite him, just staring at him intently mapping each little detail of his perfect angel face.
"What" Tré noticed me staring
"Nothing just enjoying the view"
"C'mere boo" aww he has a nickname for me, he pulled me into a long peanut butter tasting kiss.
"Mmmm I love you Frankie"
"I love you too boo"
Tré finished his sandwich and we went back to watching tv.
"Dude it's eleven o'clock you want to go to bed" I asked looking over to an incredibly sleepy Tré.
"Good idea man"
We walked up the stairs and collapsed on Tré's bed, I didn't know why we were so exhausted we hadn't even done anything remotely energy consuming.
I felt the bed sink next to me and then a pair of arms wrap around my torso. "Goodnight boo" Tré whispered into my ear
"Goodnight Frankie"
"I love you so much"
"I love you so much too"
I rolled over so I was facing Tré, I kissed his cute little nose and then nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. Soon I was drifting off, dreaming about Tré, about how perfect our lives had become and how perfect they were going to be in the future.
This happiness didn't last long, my dream soon turned into a nightmare. Tré had left me for another man, the band broke up and my step dad came back into my life just to yell those horrible things he had done when I was a boy.
I woke up sweating and crying. Recalling what had happened in the nightmare I turned to see if Tré was still with me, to my relief he was, still sleeping with a soft smile on his face.
I didn't want to wake him so I went downstairs and sat on the sofa and cried silently for what seemed like an hour. I was too busy with my face in my hands to notice Tré walking into the room with a worried expression on his face.
"Hey boo what's wrong"
"Dude you can't fool me you're crying and you weren't in bed when I woke up to take a piss, what's wrong you can tell me you know"
"I had a a really bad nightmare" I stuttered through sobs.
"What was it about beej"
"You you left me and th then the band broke up and my step dad came back and st started yelling all th those horrible things he said when I was a boy"
"Hey come on its alright, it was all a bad dream. I would never leave you boo I love you way too much, you're the only man I ever want in my life and I will be with you forever."
"Promise me you'll never leave me Tré"
"I promise beej, I'll never ever leave you"
"I love you so much Tré"
"Shhh come on now, I love you too boo"
Tré wiped the tears from my face and kissed me softly. "Come on let's go back to bed Billie, everything is alright I promise" he kissed my nose and hugged me tightly letting me know he wasn't going to leave me. He picked me up and carried me to bed and gently set me down next to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest, still sobbing slightly. He traced his fingers through my hair and it somehow felt so calming and relaxing and soon I was asleep having those wonderful dreams again.

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