Chapter four

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Tré's Pov
I just got home from band practise, Billie dropped me off at my house and I wasn't feeling well at all. I felt worse than I had done before we left for the studio. My head was hurting, I felt like I was about to hurl and body ached everywhere. I really need someone to look after me but I decided I would be fine I suppose it's just a bug. Buzz my phone went: it was from Billie it read: 'Tré are you okay man you didn't look so well today' I replied back with: 'I don't think I'm so good I feel like satans having a rave in my stomach but I'll be fine' I half hoped he would come round but then I thought about this morning and how awkward it was. The next thing I knew there was a message off Billie saying ' be there in ten minutes bringing movies and blankets' awe he was so sweet to me.
------------------------ some time later
Billie was pressing a cold towel to my forehead and gently rocking me in his arms to get me to sleep. I could stay like that forever, forever being held by him just like that. I felt my stomach lurch by that point and made a mad dash to my bathroom only to throw up all the popcorn me and Billie had made.
I heard Billie run in the bathroom after me but I was too busy with my head in the toilet to care. He rubbed small circles on my back and got me a wet towel to wipe my face with. "Come on now get it all up, it's alright billies got ya" Billie kept softly whispering into my ear until I had finally finished and all I wanted to do was apologise for this. "Billie I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry for this" I kept sobbing the word 'sorry' over and over again for at least two minutes. "Tré there isn't any reason to be sorry I'm always here for you and I always will be, you need some rest so get cleaned up and get yourself to bed, I'll stay here u till you get better" and with that he got up and left me to get sorted.
I walked into my room to see that he had pulled out some of my pyjamas and tidied up a bit. God I loved that man, if only I could tell him that.
Billie walked back in and all I could do was hug him, mainly because I loved him but for his sake it was for helping me today. "Thanks beej I really appreciate this"
"No problem Tré anything for you, come on into bed you're tired and not well, if you need anything I'll bring you it" then he bent down and kissed me on the forehead and left me to sleep. I could sleep happy now that I knew he was going to be there for me.
I woke up to the sound of Billie closing the front door, wondering where he had been I walked downstairs wrapped in a fluffy blanket and stumbles into the kitchen. "Morning beej"
"Morning Tré how are you feeling"
"To be honest I feel like I'm a bout to hurl" I meant it to and ran as fast as I could to the toilet. My stomach hurt so much and it stung my throat, I soon felt billies arms wrap around me and his soft voice echoing through my ears. This started me off crying because I loved him so much and I couldn't tell him not like this anyway. "Shhh don't cry Tré you're alright I've got you" billies words drfited into my ears somehow making me stop crying because I knew that it was true, I knew that I was going to be alright as long as he was with me.
I got up and cleaned myself up and started the whole saying sorry over again thing until I fell asleep in his arms and dreamed that he was mine and I was his. This didn't last long though as I was rudely awakened because my stomach decided it wasn't quite finished torturing me.

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