Chapter twenty

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Billies pov

We pulled up outside my house, I forgot that I had one, I've been spending all my time at Tré's house. Although that's not really a bad thing.

We both walked in and sat down for a little. I ran upstairs to get some clothes considering I haven't had the chance since my incident. I pretty much threw all my skinny jeans into a bag along with underwear and a couple of tops. Last but not least I grabbed my skateboard and my helmet for a change.

I walked back into my living room and discovered that Tré was gone, I tired calling his name but I got no reply. I turned around to walk out the door and was met with Tré right in front of me.
"Holy shit Tré, you scared me"
"I don't look that bad do I" he joked with mock hurt in his voice.
"Nah it's impossible for you to look bad"
"Smooth fucker"
"I prefer it rough but whatever you say"
"Damn Billie you're kinky aren't you" Tré laughed. I kissed him briefly before loading all my crap into the trunk of his car.

We got back to Tré's house and I took all my stuff out of his car.
"Hey Tré, where should I put all my stuff?"
"Just dump it in my room, grab my board while you're up there please."
I threw my stuff onto his bed and grabbed his board. I had always loved Tré's skateboard it had stickers all over the bottom of it, like my guitar, blue. I studied the stickers and I noticed something new stuck on the bottom. It was a photo of me cello taped right in the middle of it. It was the picture of me wearing bunny ears with a weird face.

I ran down the stairs and saw Tré sat on the sofa being all lazy. Like the funny fucker I am I dropped everything and ran and dived onto Tré's lap so that I was fully planking his legs.
"Billie what the fuck was that have you been taking drugs?"
"I have no idea what that was but it was fun and I haven't taken any drugs that I know of. Loving the new addition to your board by the way."
Tré looked at me with a confused look on his face, so I held the board up and pointed to the photo of me.
"Oh that. That's been on there for ages"
"How long is ages?"
"Maybe before we got together"
"Aww that's cute, ickle Tré sticking photos of me everywhere." Tre went bright red and looked down into his lap. I sat down next to him and lifted his head back up so it was next to mine. I kissed him passionately, our tongues fighting for dominance. We broke apart eventually for air but it was a damn awesome kiss.

"Come on Tré before it gets too cold."
I grabbed his hand and pulled him up off the sofa and handed him his board. I grabbed my own board and set off down the street.
"Where should we go then?"
"How about the park we haven't been there in a while?"
"Yeah okay let's go then, last one there has to run around screaming with their top off."
"Is that a challenge bill?"
"Fuck yes"
"It's on, you fluffy motherfucker"

We set off down to the park, I was in the lead for a bit but Tré overtook me. I gained speed agin and flipped him off as I passed him. The ark was eventually in sight but Tré caught up to me. We both tied when we got to the park but it was fun.
"Hey beej you wanna go on the swings, there's nobody around"
We walked over to the swings, they reminded me of being a kid and having my dad push me higher on them. I missed my dad so much I wish he was still alive. I went over to where Tré was and sat on a swing.
"Hey Tré?"
"Push me?"
"Alright, it's a good job I love you then"
Tré started pushing me on the swings and I was actually enjoying myself. I kept shouting at Tré to go higher like I did when I was a kid but this time I didn't feel sad, I felt happy that I could still do this.

The swing started slowing down and Tré kept bugging me to push him on the swing. I got off and let him get on it and waited until he had a firm grip on the chains.
"You ready?"
I grabbed the seat of the swing and dragged it back as far as I could and then released it. I pushed it hard when it came back down resulting in Tré shouting 'wheeee' whenever it went up to its highest point.
"You want me to stop now?"
"Yeah okay"
I caught the chains when it came back to me and stopped it from swinging eventually. Tré was still sat on the swing and he patted his legs at me, motioning me to sit down. I sat with my legs over his facing him.
"Hey beej what are you thinking about?"
"I'm thinking about how badly I want to kiss you right now"
I grabbed his face and pulled it towards mine so that our lips met, it felt like the whole world had disappeared and it was only us. However this was rudely interrupted by a camera flash and I can only assume it was Mike again. I turned my head to where the flash came from and saw Mike looking over at us.
"Mike why do you keep doing that"
"I told you I'm busy with a surprise for you guys and you can't know yet"
"At least learn to turn the flash on your phone off before you take the photos"
"Will do mr Armstrong"
"Since you're here how does a guys night sound"
"Yeah okay"
"Who's going to get the beer?"
"I'll go, you and Tré go back and find something to do."
"Oh I'm sure we will Mike." Mike had a shocked look on his face that can only be described as what the actual fuck.

------- two hours later -------

We were all smashed by this point, Mike had gone upstairs to sleep a bit and Tré was laid across my legs groaning. I nudged Tré and received a very annoyed grumble.
"Tré we should probably go to bed its late."
"Mikes upstairs."
"He's in the spare room."
"Okay just let me get up."
He heaved himself off my legs and groaned loudly.
"Come on I'll help you up the stairs." I didn't feel so good myself so stairs were probably not a great idea but it was the only way to a bed so we had no choice.

I eventually managed to get Tré up the stairs without any injury. I brought him into his room and carefully took his shirt and pants off leaving him on his boxers.
"Come on Tré get into bed, you need sleep"
Tré got into bed and curled up under the covers. I got in afterwards and snuggled up close to Tré, resting my head on his chest slightly. I was dreading going to sleep because I knew that when I woke up I would have the hangover from hell, but I couldn't help drifting off to sleep after a while.

------- the next morning -------

I awoke with a throbbing headache. I suddenly remembered getting really drunk last night but I couldn't remember how I got to bed. What shocked me more was the fact that Tré was missing. I wanted to shout out for him but my head hurt too much, and judging by how much Tré drank his head would hurt too. I pulled back the covers and tried to sit up, I felt horrible and dizzy but I managed to walk to the bathroom to puke. I walked through the door and was about to puke but someone else was already in there. It was Tré, with his head down the toilet throwing his guts up. I knelt down beside him as best I could and rubbed circles onto his back like I always did when he was sick. When he was finally done I grabbed a towel and cleaned him up as best I could and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. He walked out and went back into the bedroom and crawled under the covers. I walked downstairs to find some Tylenol for my headache and searched the fridge for Gatorade. I brought everything upstairs and put the Gatorade and Tylenol next to Tré on the table, I remembered Mike and brought him some aswell.

Today was going to be a long day...

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