Chapter nineteen

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Billies pov

I woke up in the arms of Tré still sleeping, I looked at the clock, 10:30am. I decided to get up since I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I noticed that I could move a lot better without any pain which made me a lot happier and would no doubt make Tré a lot happier. To celebrate I made Tré some pancakes, and also to thank him for being there for me. I wrote a little note for him:
To Tré
Thank you so much for helping me these past few days I don't know what I would do without you so I made you some pancakes to say thanks. I love you xxx
I put the note on the plate and brought the pancakes up to him, he was still sleeping so I placed them next to the bed. I made myself some pancakes and watched the tv.

About ten minutes later Tré walked into the room and kissed me on the lips.
"well that was a nice good morning"
"thanks for those pancakes, they were amazing"
"Your welcome"
"So how are you feeling today"
"Better, not sore when I move and I still have a shitload of bruises but they are fading. As for the cuts, they still hurt slightly"
"At least you're feeling better, do you want to do something today?"
"We could go shopping if you like"
"Yeah that's a good idea"
"Should I call Mike"
"Nah he's taking Ryan and Brix to a theme park today"
"Okay, let me get ready then"

I walked up the stairs and went to get in the shower. The water took forever to heat up but eventually it did and I stood for what seemed like hours just letting the hot water heat me up. I finally brought myself to get out and when I opened the door Tré ran in after me.
"Whoa you're in a rush"
"Well yeah I needed to pee but you were taking forever in there"
"Oops sorry man"

I threw on some clothes, skinny jeans and one of Tré's shirts. I didn't know why I liked wearing his shirts so much but they were cosy. I went downstairs where Tré was waiting for me and we set off for the mall.

When we got to the mall it was all eyes on us, I think sometimes we forget we're part of green day and just go where ever we please without thinking of the consequences. For once people didn't bother us and got back to doing their shopping. Tré laced his fingers with mine whilst we walked around aimlessly browsing shops. We went into one shop and discovered it sold all sorts of cool things, it sold some pretty awesome converse which I couldn't help but buy a pair of in green and red. We walked to the end of the shop and found that they had several of our own CDs on sale. We found the !tre¡ cd and Tré pointed at enthusiastically.
"Omg beej look it's me, and who is that sexy motherfucker on the other cd"
"I think that would be you"
"Well yes I am a sexy motherfucker but I was talking about you"
"You're so crazy Tré" I laughed at his funny behaviour.
"That's one of the many reasons you love me"
"One of them yes"
"What are the others"
"That's for me to know and you to find out"
"But Billlliiieeee" Tré put on an adorable innocent puppy dog face that broke me.
"Damn it Tré why do you have to put on that face"
"Because I know it gets me what I want" that was an understatement.
" what do you want then"
"You mostly but we're in a very public place at the moment, so a kiss is going to have to do" okay well I didn't mind doing this for him at least it was something we could both enjoy. I kissed him gently a few times until I eventually broke it apart.
"That better?"
"Mmh much" damn that face got him everything, how can you resist such an adorable innocent look, even though he is about as innocent as porn.

"Should we go get some food then?"
"Yeah I'm starving"
"What do you want to get?"
"Sure, pepperoni?"
We went over to the counter and ordered a large pepperoni pizza, I noticed people were giving us dirty looks.
"Dude why are these dicks giving us dirty looks" I hissed at Tré.
"I dunno man but I have an idea to find out"
"What is it th-"
Tré cut me of by kissing me suddenly.
"That was the idea?"
"Yeah, and by the looks of it that's why we're getting dirty looks"
One woman barged passed us dragging her son by the wrist.
"Come on we don't mix with homos" I heard her say to her son, he looked about five years old and probably not capable of understanding that anyway.
"Dude did you hear that fucker"
"No what did she say"
"Come on we don't mix with homos" I said it in a really high pitch mimicked voice which had Tré nearly crying with laughter.
"Dude she really said that"
"Yeah man, she was dragging her son with her aswell"

Our pizza was ready so we went to collect it and left.
"You want to take this home and eat it?"
"Yeah, I don't really like the idea of being around these people anymore."

I spotted the woman again with her son looking at us so I decided to play a little game.
"Tré hold this a second" I handed him the pizza and as soon as he got it I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. When we eventually broke apart the woman was still looking at us with a disgusted face so I beamed a massive smile at her and waved which made her walk off.
"Well I didn't expect that"
"I saw that woman looking at us again so I thought it would be nice to make her fuck off"
"Did she leave?"
"Yeah, what should we do the rest of the day then?"
"We could do a lot of things Billie, how brave are you feeling"
"Kinky, well if you must know I am not feeling brave I'm feeling tired and a little sore"
"Shame really, imagine if you were feeling really brave"
"Imagine that woman's face if she saw me being really brave"
Tré and I died with laughter getting a few odd looks off people.
"I don't know what to do man, we could watch movies but that's all we do"
"We could go skateboarding for a change, we don't do that very often"
"Oh yeah good idea, stop by my place on the way back then so I can grab my board"
"Alright, next stop sexy motherfuckers house"

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