Chapter twenty one

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Billies pov

I sat in the basement with my guitar, strumming random chords and occasionally writing a few lyrics down. I just couldn't get into the flow of writing today, something was bothering me but I couldn't figure out what it was.

I gave up and put blue down in a huff and walked out of the basement. I went to make myself a sandwich and caught sight of the calendar on my way. I studied it closely searching for today's date, when I found it my heart sank, today was September 10th the date of my fathers death. I forgot all about the sandwich and trudged to the living room. I just collapsed in a heap on the sofa not wanting to move or do anything. Soon after I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me close. I looked up and saw Mike looking down at me.
"Hey Billie, it's gonna be alright I know it's tough for you but just remember how proud he would be if he could see you now"
"I know Mike. I just miss him so fucking much"
I broke down in tears while Mike comforted me.
"Do you want some space Billie?"
"Yes please. Thank you by the way"
"Anytime Billie, do you want me to send Tré down for you?"
"Yeah, if he's awake"
I curled up back into a ball and calmed down a little, before I knew it Tré was cuddling me close.
"Billie, it's okay"
That was all he said, but he didn't need to say anything else, him just being there told me that everything was okay and it comforted me.

"Yeah bills"
"Can we go see him?"
"Of course we can, I'll let you get ready"
Tré kissed my forehead and left the room. I pulled on whatever I had on yesterday and walked back into the living room. I went to get Tré and we left for the cemetery where my dad was buried.

When we pulled up a pain in my chest started, burning more as we got closer to his grave. When we reached it I knelt down in front of it and traced his name with my hand, letting them linger on it for a while before giving in to the tears I was holding back. I felt Tré kneel down beside me and dry my eyes, he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and hugged me close to his chest.
"I miss him so much Tré"
"I know Billie, I know"

I slowly stood up and wiped my eyes on my jacket.
"Do you want me to wait in the car Billie"
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute"
Tré walked back to the car while I stood infront of my dads gravestone.
"I miss you so much dad, I wish you could see me now, your little boy is all grown up, in a band with two best friends two sons and the best boyfriend I could ask for. I wish you were here to see it all, I love you dad"
I turned around and walked back to the car where Tré was waiting. I got back in and looked at Tre
"You okay Billie"
"Y'know what, I actually am okay"
"I'm glad, let's get you home"

A/N I know it's a short chapter but if I went on with it, it would be crap so I'll just leave it there.

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