Chapter eleven

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Billies Pov
I woke up with an ice cream tub in my arms, what the fuck. Then I remembered last night. I turned my head slightly and saw Tré still sleeping clutching ice cream to his chest and smiling.

I look around the room and found the card I had written Tré on the table, I loved that man so much I had to make sure he knew it. The tv was still on with a dvd logo bouncing around on it.

Tré still had his arms wrapped tightly around my body, his legs still twisted with my legs. I was so happy that he was finally mine and I was his, he makes me happy and by the smile on his face I made him happy too.

I stayed still next to him not wanting to wake him up, but that clearly wasn't the plan. Tré woke up still smiling and half clutching a tub of ice cream.
"What's it going to take to wake up with you laying on me every morning Billie"
I giggled at this, what the fuck rock stars do not giggle
"Hmm I don't know Frankie, maybe we should have movie night every night" I kissed his nose lightly but he pulled me down for a proper kiss.
"Mmm I'm going to get dressed Tré I'll be back in a minute, love you"
"Love you too boo"
I threw on some black ripped skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. I decided to put one of Tré's jumpers on because it was big on me, just how I liked my jumpers.

Walking downstairs I heard a loud 'fuck' coming from the kitchen.
"Tré what's wrong"
"Nothing why would you assume something was wrong"
"Tré you need to learn how to curse quietly" I laughed as I walked into the kitchen only to find bacon strewn all over the floor. I looked at Tré who had shame written all over his face, he looked so sad.
"Hey Tré don't be upset, accidents happen"
"I know but I was trying really hard to make you a nice breakfast and now I've fucked up"
"Y'know what Tré"
"I'll take you out for breakfast"
"Let me clean this up first"
"No. I'll do it you go get changed" I kissed him and sent him off and started picking up bacon from the floor.
"Tré you almost done I'm about to eat a fucking horse"
"Yeah I'm done"
Tré ran down the stairs so enthusiastically he almost ran face first into the wall.
"Careful Tré, how am I meant to kiss your nose of its broken"
"Well y'know you could just kiss my lips" he pulled me into a long kiss, we broke apart eventually and set off out for breakfast.
"What do you want form the cafe, I'm paying" Tré had a look of horror across his face.
"You're not paying Billie, you've already done so much for me this is the least I can do" he said it so firmly I had no option but to agree and let him pay.
"Y'know I've never realised how good a look in your clothes before Tré" he laughed and kissed my cheek as we made our way along the street.
"You do look great with them on, but I bet you look even better with them off"
"Tré you kinky shit" I kissed him gently and laced our hands together.
"hmm don't act like you don't love it Billie"
"That's why I love you isn't it" I joked with him.

We arrived at the cafe and immediately we saw about ten people's heads perk up in our direction and heard mutters of 'oh my god that's Billie Joe and Tré' and 'do you think we should ask for an autograph'
"God sometimes I wish we could go somewhere and not get noticed and just get acknowledged as a normal human being"
"That's true but Ido love our fans they're amazing"
"Speaking of fans, I was thinking last night, how about we do a tour or something"
"That's a good idea Bill, we haven't been on tour for at least two years"
"So should I call the tour manager up later and see what we can do?"
"Yeah, I'll give Mike a call too"

I ordered a large breakfast with two sausages, four pieces of bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and two eggs. It was one of the best breakfasts I'd had in a while. Tré looked in deep thought as he was staring out of the window not moving.
"Tré" no reply, I kissed him on the cheek, which seemed to get his attention, and a lot of other people's attention too.
"Huh what Billie"
"Nothing, you were just daydreaming halfway through eating a sausage" he was so stupidly funny, I loved him for that.
"Oh right, I'm done should we be getting back home Bill a lot of these people are staring now"
"Huh oh yeah they probably saw me kiss you"
"Lucky them" Tré giggled as we walked out of the cafe.

Once we were back home I went off to call the tour manager and Tré went off to speak to Mike. I punched the number into my dial pad and waited for an answer.
"Hey it's me Billie, I was just wondering if it would be possible to do a tour soon"
"Um sure that sounds great, how about start it next month"
"Great, just let me tell Mike and we should be good to go"
"Okay Billie good to talk to you I'll have this sorted out by tomorrow for you"
"Thanks man"

I hung up the phone and went to see if Tré had called Mike. He was sat in the living room watching a cartoon. I laughed to myself as I saw him so engrossed in the kids animation show.
"Tré did you call Mike" no answer, he must have been really sucked into that show. Instead I jumped onto his lap and kissed him. That got his attention eventually.
"Oh didn't see you there Billie"
"Did you give Mike a call?"
"Yeah, he's down for it"
"Okay I spoke to the manager he's sorting it out now"
"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"Cuddle you"
"Billie you're such a softie inside"
"hmm I am? Oh well I could get used to that" we spent the rest of the day watching movies again.

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