Chapter fourteen

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Billies pov
I woke up to my nose throbbing like mad it was hurting like a motherfucker. I got up to get some painkillers when I glanced at the clock 2:36 great now I'm never going to get back to sleep I thought. I didn't want to wake Tré up so I went and sat on the balcony, it was quite warm out for 2:30 in the morning.

I was sat watching over the city peacefully when I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind.
"Hey Billie what's the matter, can you not sleep?"
"No I woke up and my nose was hurting like a bitch so I got some painkillers and now I can't go back to sleep."
"I can probably help with that boo"
Tré carried me back to bed and carefully laid me down and started singing are we the waiting to lull me to sleep.
"Starry nights city lights coming down over me. Skyscrapers and stargazers in my head. Are we we are are we we are the waiting unknown. This dirty town was burning down I my dreams. Lost and found city bound in my dreams."
His voice was so soothing it was already sending me to sleep, I could feel my eyelids closing and his voice quietly trailing off before I was asleep.

-------one time skip later-------

"Billie, Billie, Billie wake up sleepy head"
"What do you want Tré"
"Today is the day of the first concert silly we get to go practice and shit"
"Oh yeah I forgot about that"
"Does Tré have to drag you out of bed or are you gonna do that yourself"
"No I fine just let me go back to sleep for a few hours and I'll be up"
Tré chuckled and the next thing I knew I was being picked up and thrown over Tré's shoulder.
"Dude Tré put me down man I'm half naked"
"So what at least you aren't fully naked"
"Yeah but... Oh whatever I don't care"
"Right well we're going to get some breakfast before practice so the quicker you eat the less time you'll be half naked."
Tré carried me all the way downstairs where we got some breakfast. I was so cold with only my pyjama pants on.
"Aww is little Billie boo cold"
"Shame you should've gotten out of bed then"
"Tré can we please go back upstairs I'm freezing my tits off here"
"Oh okay then lucky you I've finished anyway"
I was already walking towards the stairs when Tré soon caught up and picked me up again.
"Tré why do ou keep picking me up"
"It's fun and it's adorable how small you are"
"I suggest you run when you put me down" Tré just laughed and carried on down the hallway where we met up with Mike on his way down. He asked the same question I had been asking for a while:
"Tré why are you carrying Billie"
"Because I can and he knows he likes it"
"Keep thinking that Tré I swear to god once you put me down I'm gon-"
"Hush Billie save your breath for promises you can keep" he started laughing and tickling my sides.
"Tré stop t ahaha tickling me Ahahaha" I couldn't stop laughing I was going to fall of he didn't stop.
"Jesus Tré I'm going to fall if you don't stop I've already broken my nose I don't want to break my neck either"

Finally we arrived at the room and he chucked me down onto the bed and let me get changed.
"Why were you up so early anyway Tré"
"Because, I couldn't sleep once I woke up this morning"
"Shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up"
"Nah man it's okay I'm feeling fine"
"That's alright then isn't it" I paused for a second.
"I love you Tré"
"I love you more Billie"
"Impossible I love you even more"
This carried on for about half and hour until we couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Tré we better head over to practise before our show tonight, and we have an interview afterwards"
"Uuuuugh I hate interviews they get so boring"
"I know but you're gonna have to stick it out I'm sure you'll like what you get at the end of it though"
"Will I now"
"Oh yes you will mr cool"
"We'll see about that mr Armstrong."

-------one long practise later-------

We were getting ready to go on stage, Tré's drums were being set up and the mic stands were being adjusted to fit our heights. I could already he the fans roaring outside and I was starting to get really nervous, I usually do before a show and once I'm onstage I'm incredibly comfy with the circumstances. I was practising my vocal warm ups and Tré kept saying I sounded like a plane, he was a crazy guy but he was my crazy guy. I was getting more and more nervous by the second and Tré noticed this.
"Hey baby you're gonna do fine, we all are"
"Thanks Tré, I know you guys will be amazing as always" he kissed me good luck and we started to go on stage. As soon as we got up there the crowd went mental, we were so lucky to have such great fans.

We started playing with one of our earlier songs she. The crowd was ecstatic we had really got them pumped like we always do.

-------forty five minutes later-------

We finally finished with good riddance I sang the last line to the crowd.
"I hope you had the time of your life"
They applauded us and out of no where Tré comes right up and kisses me on stage, I kiss him back and the crowd loved it. I can already tell that will be all over social media by the time we walk off this stage but I didn't care, I only cared about him right now.

The kiss wasn't a usual one we share because we wanted to keep it as though it was just for show but we both knew it wasn't. Finally we walked off stage bad went to get a beer.
"What do you think they all thought of that kiss Tré"
"They would probably have that up on social media already"
"That's what I thought, oh well"
"Anyway we have to go to that interview in about half an hour so I suppose they'll know for sure soon"
We had both agreed earlier that the interview would be the right time to announce our relationship to the world so we were pretty nervous about that and how well it would go.

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