Chapter twenty two

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*skip ahead to October*
Billies pov

"Tré what are you going as for this Halloween party?"
"I think I might go as a fairy"
"Um okay then"
"What, no one else will"
"You've got a point there"
"What are you going as?"
"I haven't got a fucking clue"
"What about a skeleton?"
"That could work, what's Mike going as?"
"A vampire"
"Guess I'll find some stuff for tomorrow then"

I went outside and got in my car, where the hell could I find last minute Halloween stuff. I sat thinking for a minute and in the end I drive to the dollar store and bought black and white face paint. I walked past loads of shelves stacked full of the Halloween stuff that no one has bought yet and I saw a blonde curly wig and I couldn't resist buying it for Tré.


"Tré I bought you something" I called out into the empty hallway, expecting to see Tré bounding up to me like a puppy, but he didn't. I looked in the living room but he wasn't there, or the kitchen. Eventually I realised he was probably in the basement doing something.

I wandered down and pushed the door open, I saw Tré sprawled across the sofa with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other.
"Tré?" He must not have seen me come in because he jumped so hard he fell off the sofa.
"Whoops, sorry Tré. I bought you something"
"Oooo what is it what is it what is it"
"Calm down I'm giving it to you now"

I took the wig out of the bag and handed it to him. He stared at it for a moment and then he put it on.
"Am I a pretty girl" he made his voice go all high pitched and girly.
"Yes Tré you are definitely a pretty girl"
"Why did you get me this anyway"
"For your Halloween costume tomorrow"
"Thanks beej, love you"
"Love you too Tré, wanna watch a movie?"
"Can we watch a horror movie?"
"Remember the last time you watched a horror movie? You kept me and Mike up all night screaming"
"Yeah but that was different, you'll be there to comfort me this time"
"Whatever but don't blame me if you can't sleep tonight"

About ten minutes into the film and Tré already had his head buried in my chest and refusing to look up. How did I know this was a terrible idea. I turned it off altogether eventually  because I knew for a fact that if he watched anymore he wouldn't be able to sleep for the next week. As soon as it flicked off Tré started whining.
"Billlliiieeee turn it back on it was getting to the good part"
"My chest wasn't part of the film Tré"
"Was it not, my mistake" Tré giggled slightly.
"I want cake"
"Make me some?"
"I can't cook"
"It's not cooking it's baking"
"I can't bake either"
"Get a cookbook then"
"Do you even own a cookbook Tré?"
"I don't know but we have the Internet"
"I'm lazy though"
"I'll help"
"I'm still lazy"
"Do I have to drag your ass off the sofa"
"That doesn't stop me being lazy"
"Okay, this is your doing" he jumped on me and started tickling me, I tried to move but I couldn't because he was sat on top of me.
"Tré...g get" I tried to push him off but I was unsuccessful.
"If you say you'll help me make a cake then I'll get off you"
"Fine you win this time"
"Yayyyy can we make a chocolate cake?"
"If you want"

------- one hour later -------

Me and Tré were covered head to toe in flour and god knows what else. I don't usually bake but I know that baking a cake shouldn't end up in throwing flour at each other.
"How did your mother teach you to bake cakes because flour fights aren't part of the process"
"Billie I cannot answer that question, I've never made a cake anyway and who the hell doesn't like flour fights"
"The person who has to clean up"
"I'll help"
"I know" I laughed at Tré and kissed him lightly on the nose before getting a cloth and wiping down everything.

"Billie I've been wondering"
"About what?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to move in with me, you spend loads of time here anyway"
"Yeah, I'd love that Tré" I kissed him passionately but we were interrupted by the beeping of the oven.
"Oooooo cake" God Tré was a crazy fucker. I pulled it out of the oven and put it on a cooling rack (surprised that Tré actually owned one). Tré went to poke it like a little kid would but I smacked his hand away before he could take any.
"I hope you're planning on eating this Tré"
"Well duh that's what cake is for"


"Tré I cannot believe you just ate that whole cake"
"I'm Tré cool"
"Touché, so when am I moving in"
"Whenever you want, but I'm not letting you go to your house alone agin I'm coming with you"
"Okay, how about the weekend after this party"
"Sure, what are you gonna do about your house?"
"I'll probably just sell it, no point keeping it now"
"I'm bored, wanna go do something?"
"Like what?"
"Where do you keep your toilet paper?"
"Oh I know what that look is for Billie, and I'm liking it lets go come on this is gonna be good"

I grabbed a couple rolls of toilet paper from Tré and set about looking for trees to throw it in.
"What about that one?" I looked over to Tré who was pointing at a huge oak tree down the road.
I threw the toilet paper over a couple of branches until I was satisfied with the result and dragged Tré towards mikes house.
"Dude we can't do it to mikes house, he'll see us"
"He isn't in, the cars gone"
"Well what are we waiting for, let's do this"
Tré was running around holding a strip of paper behind him, waving it around in circles whilst skipping up mikes driveway. I thought it was hilarious until he stopped dead in his tracks looking like he had seen a ghost.
"Tré you good man?"
"Wh-" I saw mikes car coming down the road and I bolted it down the street along with Tré. We stopped eventually behind a couple of bushes.
"Do you think he saw us Tré?"
"Hard to say really, who cares anyway it's only Mike"
"Oh man he is gonna murder us."
"Isn't it a crime to destroy something so beautiful"
"I know why does it have to be me he kill"
"I was talking about me" Tré had the most serious face I've ever seen him pull. I punched him playfully in the arm and laughed.
"We better get going before he sees us here"
"Yeah come on, I think there's some cake I didn't eat"
"Do you ever stop wanting food"
"It's a good job I love you"
"I know, otherwise we would have a problem" he kissed me quickly before pulling me up and running down the street still holding my hand. We ran into the house panting and laughing at the same time, my phone vibrated not long after and I saw that it was Mike.

'You better get running armstrong'
"Tré, Mike says we better get running"
"Too lazy, don't worry I'll use your body as a shield"
"Wow thanks Tré" the sarcasm was dripping from my voice.
"You're welcome"
"Might aswell do something I enjoy before Mike kills us"
"Does that include me"
"Dirty fuck"
"You know you love it"

Mike showed up two minutes later, not looking very impressed.
"Okay, why the fuck did you put toilet paper all over my house?"
"Mike I don't understand what you're talking about" Tré didn't exactly sound very convincing but I suppose it was better than what he could have said.
"Y'know what, I can't be bothered to kill you today just remind me in a few days"
"Yeah whatever, you can't stay mad at us forever Mikey"
"I have no choice anyway, I'll have to drag your sorry asses home tomorrow when you both get drunk at this party"
"We aren't that bad"
"I beg to differ, I'll see you at this party tomorrow then"
"Buh bye Mikey" I tried my best to put an innocent voice on but it wasn't working very well.
"Bye bitches" Mike walked out the door flipping us off in the process.

Me and Tré sat in silence staring at the tv for what felt like hours until Tré piped up.
"Hey Billie y'know what I wanna do"
"Me by any chance?"
"For the first time ever, no. I want to go to bed with you and cuddle you."
"You could do that now"
"Yeah, but bed is comfier than the sofa."
"Good point I suppose, well if that's what my little drummer wants that's what my little drummer will get"

I went upstairs with Tré and got into the bed alongside Tré. I had to admit it was nice just laying there with him. He pulled me in close to him and tangled our legs together. I traced patterns on his chest mindlessly while he ran his hands through my hair.
"Race you downstairs to get the last can of Coke"
"It's on"

AN: should I delete this fic it's getting crap and it's getting harder to think of ideas. Anyway enjoy this chapter I suppose.

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