Chapter twenty four

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Billie's pov
I sat in our room wondering what to buy Tré. He already said he didn't want a new drum kit because his is fine still. He wouldn't want a guitar or bass because he's a drummer. He already has every CD I could think of. I was really getting frustrated because I wanted to make our first Christmas as a couple really special.

I thought for a little longer, and then it hit me. I could buy Tré a puppy, but I would have to be really sneaky about it, so he wouldn't find out before Christmas. I had the perfect breed in mind, a spaniel would be perfect for him, they're so full of energy just like Tré.

I set off to some pet stores to see if they had what I was looking for, I tried several before almost giving up. Eventually I drove down to the local rescue centre because I knew they had loads of animals. I walked in and all I could here was dogs howling and cats meowing loudly. I walked up to the front desk and started talking to the lady there.
"Hello, can I help you sir?"
"Um yeah I'm looking to get a puppy."
"Any particular breed in mind?"
"A spaniel would be great."
"Right this way then. We have loads to choose from so take your time and call me over when you're done." She gestured towards a corridor that was filled with spaniels and other small dogs.

I wandered down in front of all the pens, dogs were all trying to get over the gates when I walked past. I stopped at one pen, the dog inside really caught my eye. She had small brown patches and her white fur and she had two different coloured eyes- one blue and one brown. I called the woman over and she let me in to play with the little dog. At first she stepped cautiously around me but soon enough she was bouncing all over the place and jumping on me. This was definitely the one.

"So is this the dog you want to get sir?"
"Yeah, this is definitely the one"
"Alright then, we just have some paperwork for you to complete and then you can take your puppy home with you."

I finished signing off everything and carried the new puppy to my car in her travel box. I was about to drive back home but I realised if I was going to keep this secret then I would have to keep it away from Tré. I thought for a while and then I thought Mike might be able to look after her for a few days before Christmas. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hi Billie"
"Hey Mike"
"You've done something I can tell by the tone in your voice"
"Well, you see I kinda did something bad"
"What did you do?"
"I bought a puppy for Tré for Christmas."
"That's hardly a bad thing Billie Tré loves dogs"
"I know but now I have nowhere to keep it so I was wondering if you could look after her for a few days before Christmas."
"Yeah I can do that Bill."
"Thanks man, you're a life saver"
"Does she have a name?"
"I'm gonna let Tré name her"
"Alright then, just drop her off anytime I'm in all day."
"Okay, I'm going to the pet store to buy some stuff for her so I'll drop her off and then drop the stuff off after."
"Yeah that's cool, see you later Billie."
"See you later Mike"

I started to drive to Mike's house and I noticed that the puppy had settled down and gone to sleep in her box.
I arrived at mikes and rang the doorbell, Mike answered the door and almost fainted.
"Jesus Christ Billie you could have told me how adorable she is"
"Well duh I only get the best for Tré." Mike laughed as we walked into his living room.
"Brit does know about this doesn't she?"
"Oh yeah, she's totally cool about it"
"Well that's good, I'm off to the pet store to buy some stuff for her, it's only a couple days until Christmas so you don't have to keep her too long"

I left Mike's and drove to the nearest pet store to buy dog supplies. I wandered around a little before settling on a blue plastic dog bed and a thick fluffy blanket to go inside. I walked to the toy aisle and looked for toys, I figured something squeaky would annoy the shit out of me and Tré so they were a definite no. Instead I settled for a couple chew toys, a ball and a tug rope. Next thing to get was the dog food, but since I've never owned a dog before I had absolutely no idea what kind of food to get so I just got one that said puppy on the front of it. I grabbed a couple bags of it and went to the check out to pay.

I shoved everything into the back of my car and sped off back to Mikes's, I didn't bother to knock so I just let myself in. I saw Mike playing with the puppy and smiled to myself.
"Mike where should I put all this crap"
"Just put it in the kitchen I'll sort it later"
"Alright, I'm gonna head back before Tré starts ringing me asking if I've been kidnapped"
Mike laughed slightly and went back to playing with the puppy.

Eventually I walked in and Tré ran up to me and hugged me within five seconds of me steeping foot through the door.
"Miss me?"
"Yes. I was getting bored as fuck without you."
"Tré I'm beginning to question how you lived without me before we got together."
"Billie I do not even know how I managed that long" I chuckled and went to sit down on the sofa, followed by Tré who laid his head in my lap.
"What are you doing?"
"Pet my hair?"
"If that's what you want." I started running my hands through his newly dyed green hair. It flopped in his face as I dragged my fingers through it. His breathing soon got heavier and he started snoring lightly. I couldn't help but take a photo and post it on my Instagram, I captioned it 'behold, a wild Tré sleeping on my lap' I put my phone down and turned the tv on.

It wasn't long before my phone started blowing up with notifications on my recent post. Most of them were comments of things like 'you guys are so fucking adorable together' and 'omfg this is too cute' Tré started to stir in my lap before he opened his eyes and sat up.
"Sleeping beauty has awoken"
"You should say the force has awoken"
"Does the force need five more minutes?"
"No, the force might not sleep tonight if the force has five more minutes."
"You're such a nerd y'know"
"Say that again whilst you watch the entire Star Wars trilogy in one night"
"It was so worth it though"
"That's not what you said in the morning when you were too tired for band practice"
"That's not the point."
"Then what is the point?"
"The point of what?"
"What the fuck happened to this conversation?"
"Dude I don't even know. How was your day anyway."
"It was boring, but I bought your Christmas present today."
"I bought yours too."
"Oooooh what is it?"
"You'll have to wait a couple days."
"I hate waiting." Tré groaned.
"It's literally three days until Christmas"
"You're lucky I love you enough to wait that long."
"You would be waiting anyway."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Billie boo."
"You actually."
"Don't flatter me." Tré joked around for a bit until we had dinner. We went to bed not long afterwards, Tré was the first to sleep whilst I stayed up a while trying to think of how to get the puppy in on Christmas Day without Tré seeing.

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