Chapter two

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We pulled up to the studio to see Mike waiting for us by the wall. "Hey guys" he called out I said hi and Tré did so we went inside and got a couple of beers and started plugging in amps and setting up drums.
We started off by playing some of our older songs, mainly from dookie. We played several songs from American idiot and then finished wake me up when September ends. It was a great practice but I couldn't enjoy it as much as usual because Tré was always on my mind, I had to tell him before long I just wasn't sure on how to do it. I knew he was bi so that wasn't a problem, it was the fact that he probably didn't love someone like me.
I must have been acting a little strange because Mike picked up on it after Tré went to take a piss. "Hey beej what's up you don't seem yourself"
"I'm fine" this obviously didn't sound convincing enough "Billie you can talk to me we've been best friends since I can remember" the tone of his voice told me I didn't really have a choice and that I had to tell him. "Okay so I may or may not like someone and I have no idea how to tell them" I said hoping I wouldn't have to give away it was Tré. "It's Tré isn't it" well there goes that plan, "yesiliketre" I said quickly hoping he wouldn't understand or just loose interest. " so is that a yes" he asked "yes" I replied simply wishing the floor would just take me now.
"Well you Gotta tell him Billie, you can't keep putting yourself through this" he meant what he said as well you could just tell in his voice. "I know Mike I will in time but I'm so scared of fucking up such a wonderful friendship" I said worriedly "you guys could never fuck up a friendship you're inseparable" Mike said reassuringly
Just as I was about to speak Tré walks back into the room and decides to throw himself onto me and mike drinking his beer and smiling. God how I loved that cute little smile of his.
On the way home Tré went back with me again. "Hey Beej can I hang at your place tonight" he asked me in that cute little voice of his "sure man you can come over" I pulled onto my drive and opened the door, it was nice to be back home after a long day at the studio. I flopped onto the couch and put the tv on hoping for a decent Chanel this time. "You want to order pizza for tea Tré" Realising I had nothing in my fridge to feed him. "Yeah okay pizza sounds good can we get pepperoni beej" he asked me pleadingly "sure we can let me go call the pizza place then" and with that I ordered us a large pepperoni pizza and a bottle of Coke to see us through the night.
The pizza guy knocked on the door and Tré got up to get it handing the guy twenty dollars and a tip. The pizza was actually pretty nice and I enjoyed myself having Tré around to act like the batshit crazy guy he was. That what I loved about him, he was so serious when it comes to music but when it's any other time he is so crazy and will do the most stupid things but he's so funny at the same time.
Finally I was heading to bed and Tré was sleeping in the guest room across from mine. I was just drifting off as I was rudely torn from my sleep as a very tired and distressed looking Tré was standing over my bed. "What's up Tré, can't sleep" I asked him sleepily "um well yes and no I had a nightmare and now I can't sleep would you mind if I got in bed with you beej" he asked in a sort of embarrassed shy way which was unusual for Tré normally he would just get into my bed and not say a word. "Sure Tré you don't need to ask, here get in its freezing" as he got into my bed I felt a massive warmth in my heart, just the idea of being so close to him was awesome. After a while I heard his breaths steady and I could tell he was sleeping at last, I decided to wrap my arms around his waist and hug him as I went to sleep as well.

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