Chapter thirteen

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We arrived at a fancy hotel within about an hour, I was so sick of travelling all I wanted to do was sleep. We all had separate rooms so not to raise suspicion but me and Tré planned on sharing a room any ways.

We all headed to our rooms and I started unpacking the things I knew I wouldn't need overnight and began walking to Tré's room. I dug in my pocket for the spare keycard I demanded off the receptionist and arrived at his room. I could hear the shower running from inside so I just let myself in and started watching tv.

I was getting bored so I went to see Tré. Shamelessly I walked into his bathroom and yanked back the curtain of his shower to see him covered in soap and singing into a shampoo bottle.
"Oh hey bill didn't see you there" he went bright red.
"Nice singing Tré, you could just ask to borrow a mic y'know" I joked with him let him get back to whatever the fuck he was doing.

I noticed a large bowl of gummy bears next to his bed, I smiled knowing he had gotten them for me. I started eating them, mostly the green ones because they were my favourite. Tré walked back out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.
"Thanks for the gummy bears Tré"
"No problem I know they're your favourite"
"That's not entirely true"
"Oh well I can order so-" I cut him off mid sentence.
"You're my favourite Tré"
"Aww you're my favourite too boo"
I kissed his nose and fed him a few gummy bears.
"Y'know I don't think I tell you that I love you enough"
"Dude that's a lie you tell me every second"
"Do I, I must mean it then" I laughed as he playfully punched my arm. I took advantage of this and faked looking pissed at Tré for punching me.
"Aww did I hurt my little boo, let Frankie kiss it better"
Tré started enthusiastically kissing my arm sending me into a fit of giggles, he started tickling me and I eventually fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

This however didn't stop Tré from straddling my waist and continuing to tickle me. I was laughing too much to notice Mike standing in the doorway taking pictures of me and Tré. Finally I got up off the floor and brushed off the dust from my back.
I laughed as he dropped his phone in shock.
"Why the fuck do you keep taking photos of me and Tré all the time"
"I have my reasons and you can't know yet"
"You better not be sending these to people, we haven't even officially announced this relationship yet y'know"
"Don't worry I'm not sending them to people I promise, but I have reasons don't question me" and with that he picked up his phone and ran back down the hallway giggling to himself.

"Do you think they have anything good to eat downstairs" I swear this man is never not hungry.
"Dude are you always hungry"
"Pretty much"
"Come on then let's get some food"
"Yay" I kept thinking to myself about how lucky I was to have Tré by my side, honestly I don't know how long I could've gone on without him.

I was daydreaming too much to notice the pillar I walked into.
"FUCK" I yelled causing Tré to turn around and laugh. I pulled my hand away from my face to reveal blood pouring from my nose that was now mishapen and bruised. 'Shit I think I broke my nose'.

"Shit baby are you okay, y'know you really shouldn't take up walking into pillars like that" I think Tré was trying to make me laugh but all I could do was hold back the tears as my nose throbbed rapidly.
"Tré I think we should go to he hospital I think I broke my nose"
"Shit dude you're right, okay let me tell Mike that we're gonna be gone a while"
"I'm being serious man I need to go to the hospital like now"
"Okay okay, I'll text him on the way"

We were driving for what seemed like hours but was only about ten minutes. It's a damn good thing that this is still America otherwise I would be screwed for languages. We made our way to the ER and waited to get looked at by the doctor. Tré tried to cheer me up doing really stupid things with the equipment but ended up falling on his ass and looking very embarrassed when the doctor walked in.

He prodded my nose in various places and then proceeded to clean up all the blood.
"Yes this is clearly broken, any idea how this happened"
"Funny you should ask, I may or may not have walked into a very solid pillar"
"I see, okay this bit may hurt a little, I'm just going to pinch a little in order stop the bleeding"
"Shi- I mean sugar you weren't lying that hurt" Tré started laughing at me for nearly swearing at the doctor and I gave him a death stare.
"Okay you're good to go, just avoid contact sports, or any sports for that matter. Also avoid blowing your nose if possible and just be careful in general"
"Do you think I'm going to be okay to do a concert at all, we're on tour right now and we have a concert planned for tomorrow night"
"Yes you should be okay to do concerts just be careful and don't do anything stupid like crowd surfing"
"Great, okay thanks"

We got back into a taxi and started to head towards the hotel when my phone buzzed, it was Mike.
'Dude you okay Tré said you just went to hospital because you broke your nose"
'Yeah, don't worry about it though they just told me to avoid things like contact sports and stupid dangerous activities. They told me I was okay to do concerts though"
'How the fuck did you manage that anyway"
'Walked into a pillar on the way to get food, actually do you want anything from McDonald's'
'Nah man I just had food but could you get me a chocolate milkshake'
'Yeah be about twenty minutes'

"Tré we're going to McDonald's since you haven't eaten yet"
"Oooh yes please thank our Billie, can I have a happy meal please"
I laughed and hugged him.
"Anything for my little Frankie" I kissed his nose and started to think about what I wanted to eat.

Finally we got to McDonalds and we Walked in earning a lot of stares and murmurs as we joined the queue. I started to order with Tré clinging to my arm like a child and randomly telling me what he wanted with his happy meal. You can't not love Tré, I mean look at him he is adorable, but he can be serious (that's a lie he's never serious) his eyes were amazing and he was just perfect in every way.

We sat down and ate our McDonald's whilst people stared at us and several photos were taken.
"Jesus you'd think they never saw a human being before" Tré nodded in agreement and finished his chicken nuggets.
"Oh let me get Mikes chocolate milkshake before we go" I grabbed one for him and started leaving with Tré.

Eventually we made it back to the hotel and found mikes room so he could have his drink. I knocked on the door and when I didn't answer I walked in to a shamelessly naked Mike Dirnt.
"Mike put some clothes on man" Tré walked in close behind me and quietly backed out the door and ran down the hallway. Me and Mike laughed as I handed him his drink.
"I'll get off man let you get back to whatever the fuck you were doing, night Mike"
"Night Bill"

I got back to Tré's room and stripped down to my boxers to get into bed with Tré. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and his breath on my neck as his breaths got steadier.
"Goodnight Tré, I love you"
"Love you too Billie, y'know I wouldn't change this for the world"

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