Chapter fifteen

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A/N I means interviewer

Billies pov
We had five minutes to go before the interview, we were all rushing around drinking the last of our beers and having a quick smoke. I however was incredibly nervous since this was the time we were going to announce our relationship. I couldn't tell if I was excited to do it or nervous because this was being put on live television.

We started walking towards the room and Tré gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and told me I would do fine. We sat down on the sofa in there and noticed they had put food and beer out for us. I took a beer and fumbled nervously with the hem of my shirt, the interviewer eventually came in and started talking.

Interviewer: "so it's great to see you guys back on stage, how does it feel"
M: "it feels great to finally be back up on the stage getting the crowd pumped"
I: "is there anything going on in the studio like preparing a new album?"
B: "no we're not making a new album yet, this tour was more of a we got bored kind of thing"
I: "any new relationships we should know about, are you still single from your divorce or is there a lucky lady?"
B: "funny you should ask really I do have a relationship a very happy one with the man I love."
I: "oh a man would you like to tell us a little more about this, do we know him?"
B: "oh you definitely know him" I glanced over to Tré and he gave a little nod indicating that it was the right time to mention it. I carried on with what I was saying.
B: "it's our very own Tré cool" I felt as though a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I smiled bigger than I've smiled in a long time.
I: "aww congratulations I hope you two are very happy together"
T: "definitely I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend"

The interview carried on for about another twenty minutes, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was sleep. I slept all the way back in the limo to the hotel and somehow woke up on my bed in my boxers.
"Oh you're awake now"
I looked to see Tré standing in front of me.
"How long was I out for"
"About three hours"
"What time is it"
"I'm gonna go back to sleep"
I laid back down and pulled the covers over me, I felt the bed dip as Tré got in. I turned over to face him and I kissed him gently. I felt him smile against my lips.
"Hey Billie"
"I really love you"
"I really love you too"

A/N please don't hate me I got bad writers block and if carry on it will be crap anyway so I'll make the next chapter longer.

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