Chapter twelve

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One month later (month of the tour)
Billies pov
"Tré are you finished packing yet"
"Um not yet nearly though"
I walked up stairs to see Tré sat on his suitcase trying to zip it up. He looked at me like he was annoyed but he needed help. He jumped off the suitcase and stood and watched me attempt to zip it up. I opened it and found the problem.
"Tré why is there a toaster in here"
"Well...y' yeh"
"I don't think we need the toaster Tré" I laughed, I pecked his lips and went to get my own bags.
"But what if I want toast"
"The have toasters Tré"

I grabbed my bag and hauled it down the stairs and went back up for my others. I looked at my phone 'Mike should be here soon' I thought. As if on cue Mike walked in with about fifty bags.
"Hey beej"
"Hey Mike"
"You ready to go"
"I am, just waiting for Tré he couldn't zip up his suitcase and then it turns out he had put the toaster in it"
"Why the fuck does he need the toaster"
"He's Tré cool"
"Good point"

Tré ran down the stairs carrying his bags, in the process he missed about five steps and came flying down the stairs instead of running.
"Shit Tré are you okay baby"
"Yeah I'm okay, hi Mike"
"You two are so fucking cute together I can't handle it"
"You're gonna have to get used to it Mike this is gonna last forever" this made me smile and attack Tré in a bear hug.
"God I love you Tré"
"Not as much as I love you boo"
I looked over to Mike and saw him wide eyed and staring at us like we're cute little puppies.
"Hmm I think we should go before Mike explodes from the cuteness" Tré laughed and picked up his bags.

We sat down in the taxi, Mike in the front and me and Tré in the back.
"No funny business back there you guys you got that"
"What do you class as funny Mike"
"Well you know, ugh whatever no fucking back there"
"No promises"

I sat and watched Tré sleeping, he slept so peacefully even in the car. I decided it would make for a laugh to draw on his face. I took out my sharpie and wrote 'billies adorable property' on his forehead. I laughed at this, wanting to see everyone's reaction when they see it. I drew a moustache and a beard to go with it and then loads of hearts all over his face.

One taxi ride later

We finally arrived at the airport after what seemed like days of driving. I went to wake Tré up and saw what I had drawn on him, I snickered to myself as I gently nudged him to get up. This wasn't working though.
"Tré get up you lazy ass fucker"
He shot up and looked at me like I had just told him he wasn't the best drummer in the world.
"We're here" I stated as cooly as I could trying not to laugh anymore.

We joined Mike getting the bags out of the trunk and he started laughing his ass off at Tré.
"Dude why the fuck you laughing"
"Nothing Tré you might just want to go look in a mirror next time you get chance"
"Trust me Tré just do it"

I couldn't help laughing while we waited outside the bathroom and heard him shout "WTF BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG" I was almost doubled over in laughter when he walked out pouting.
"What's the matter Tré"
"Dude you drew all over my face"
"What me? No I would never"
I could barely contain my laughter at this point it was too funny.
"You're lucky Billie I can't stay mad at something as cute as you"

We continued the rest of he plane journey with Tré getting funny looks off passengers and air hostesses.
"Y'know Tré I think your new tattoos look great"
"It's a good thing that what you wrote is true then isn't it" I kissed him on the nose.
"Damn right it is Frankie"

I fell asleep for the rest of the journey whilst Tré kept throwing paper at Mike who was in front of us. God that man is such a child but he's my man-child.

We landed about three hours later and I immediately went to look at my face in the mirror. I saw that Tré had written something but nothing too big. It said 'I love Tré cool' aww it's true I do love that man. I went back out to see him smiling like and idiot at me.
"Loving the new tattoo Tré very original"
"Hmm I thought so too"
"I love you Tré"
"Love you too Billie"

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