Chapter sixteen

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A/N I'm skipping to where they're on their way home from the tour because my friend suggested it would be a good idea, also this is a really long chapter since the last one was really short.

Tré's pov (finally)
I was packing in my room to come home from tour, it's been three months away from my bed and that's all I wanted. Billies nose finally got better after Mike accidentally hit him in the face with a pillow, and I was sitting on my suitcase trying to cram things in that I didn't need but I was Tré cool so I had a reason.

Billie walked into my room carrying a suitcase and about fifty bags.
"The hell do you need all those bags for"
"Um y'know stuff that I bought most of its a surprise so y'know you're gonna have to wait"
"Damn it I hate waiting for things"
"Didn't stop you waiting for me for so long"
"Yeah but you were well worth the wait"
"I have and idea"
"What's that"
"We're gonna need the curtains"
"I already like this idea"
"Okay come help me take them down"

I went and started ripping the curtains off the rail while Billie took the other side down.
"So what's this master plan"
"Take em into the hall"
We walked into the hallway and Billie stood with a smirk on his face.
"Now we run"
"Hold the curtain behind you and run"
I held it behind my head and started running, it was quite funny especially when Billie took out that guy and acted all innocent. I thought for a minute and then called Billie over.
"What is it Tré"
"Dude get on my back"
"And do what"
"I'm gonna piggyback you down the hall and you hold up the curtains"
"I like this idea"

I felt Billie jumping onto my back and he was surprisingly light.
"Dude you're light as a feather"
"Awww you're so lickle"
"Hmm I know I hate it"
"Why it's cute"
"Not to me it isn't"
"Well if it makes you feel any better I think you're incredibly cute"
"I love you y'know"
"I love you more"

I started running down the hall and Billie held the curtains behind us. I heard him laughing, I loved his laugh so much. I saw Mike emerge from his room further down the hall and I had the best idea ever. He had his back to us so I snuck up behind him and I got Billie to drop the curtains over him.we basically just kidnapped our own bassist.

"Arrrggh guys what the fuck"
Billie was dying with laughter and so was I we couldn't contain ourselves (no dirty joke intended).
"Mike we just kidnapped you how do you feel about that"
"Why the fuck did you kidnap me"
"Why the fuck not"
"Are you guys ready to go or not, I'm not even going to ask why the curtains are out here"
"Mike lighten up a little, which reminds me I should probably take the lamp out of my suitcase"
"Not everything in the hotel room is free y'know"
"Well they didn't tell me I couldn't take it"

I started walking back to the hotel room to get my bags when I felt a pair of arms grip my shoulders and then a body jump onto my back.
"Another piggyback?"
"Yes please"
"You're so childish and funny" I laughed.
"I know that's why you love me"
"One of the reasons there's like a million more"
"List me some"
"I can give you the top ten, they're all the same"
"Go on"
"I love you, that's all the other reasons why I love you"
"You can be so sweet when you want Tré"
"At least I'm not serious all the time"
"You're never serious, I'm surprised you even know what serious is" he laughed and rested his chin on my head.

It still felt so unreal that me and Billie were actually together, I'm not complaining but it's so unreal.

I walked through the door and made Billie get off after a few minutes of bribery, I have to be his slave for a week now. I grabbed my bag and suitcase and started heading out the door.
"Billie what are we doing about the curtains"
"Dump them but he Windows and leave a note"
I left them in a heap and started writing.

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