Chapter twenty seven

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Billies pov

Me and Tré have been married for about a year now, and we couldn't be happier. Dakota has gotten even more excitable and energetic, much like Tré. Me and Tré had a small wedding with only close friends and family, nothing big. We had a honeymoon in England for two weeks which was great, because I could spend it with Tré and finally call him my husband.

We were currently nearing our one year anniversary so I was planning on getting Tré brand new limited edition drum set that he's been wanting for ages.

Tré's pov

I was planning on getting Billie a kitten for our anniversary, since he got me Dakota. I found a black one going for sale nearby with green eyes. Our anniversary was in two days but I wanted to give him the kitten earlier. I was just about to walk out the door when Billie called me back from the kitchen.

"You forgot something."
He leaned forward and kissed me briefly on the lips. You'd think after nearly two years of being together that the lovey dovey kissy stuff had died down, but it only got stronger.

I walked out happier to the car and drove off the go get billies kitten.

Billies pov

I heard Tré walk out the door and drive off so I went into our basement and started setting up his new drum set, it took me surprisingly long to get it into a layout that Tré liked. I threw a cover over it and went back upstairs where there was a note waiting for me on the table. I picked it up and scanned it over, it read

Take twenty Billie sized steps down the hall

I looked at it puzzled but I obliged anyway. Once I reached where it told me to go I found another note. This one said:

Go up the stairs and take ten Billie sized steps left.

As soon as I did that I reached our bedroom and opened the door. I noticed Tré sitting on the floor telling a box to be quiet. I walked over to where he was and sat next to him.
"Billie I couldn't wait any longer to give you your anniversary present so here it is."
He handed me the box so I undid it, what I saw inside was a beautiful black kitten with piercing green eyes. I looked at Tré who beamed a bright smile at me and gestured for me to take the kitten out.
"What do you want to name him?"
"What about Frankie?"
"That's cute."
"Like you Tré."
I pulled him in for a tight hug and kisses him to say thank you. Now it was me, Tré, Dakota, and Frankie.

I showed him his new drums and he was over the moon with happiness. I could tell this was the start to a wonderful life with the man I love.

Well that's the end, hope you enjoyed it and shit. I'm doing a oneshot book so yeah... I'll just jigglypuff outta here.

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