Chapter twenty six

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Tré's pov
It was just after Christmas and was nearly New Year's Eve, we were planning a huge New Year's Eve party and I decided I was going to pop the big question to Billie.

Dakota was currently laid on my chest asleep, she was definitely the cutest dog ever. The first couple of nights have been absolute hell, she won't sleep unless one of us is down there with her or she's on our bed.

I had bought the ring ages ago but I was waiting for the right time to propose and New Years was the best time. Billie was currently hanging up decorations and getting food out for the  party, and cursing under his breath whenever the banner kept falling down.

"Do you want some help baby?" I asked him when he was still struggling.
"No I'm fine, thanks though"
I got up anyway and out Dakota down, I stood up on the chair next to him and helped him pin the banner up. When it was up he kissed my cheek.
"Thanks baby."
"No problem."
Dakota came running through with we ball in her mouth.
"You want me to throw it?"
She barked in response which I guess is her way of saying yes. I threw it a couple of times for her until she went back on the sofa and curled up to sleep again.

Mike walked through the door with a couple bags full of stuff.
"Hey Mike" I greeted him as he walked in and dropped the bags to give me and Billie a hug.
"Hey guys, how's things coming along?"
"Alright I guess, everything's ready for tonight anyway. Guess we just wait for everyone to show now."

-------later that night-------

I was getting more nervous by the second, it was nearing midnight fast and I wasn't sure I was prepared to propose to Billie. I had everything set out, I had spent and couple of days training Dakota to carry the box with the ring in it when I call her name and I had told everyone what I was going to do so everyone was onboard with it.

10 minutes to midnight

Ten minutes to go, ten minutes until the scariest moment of my life. Ten minutes until I was either destroyed or made the happiest man alive. Ten minutes until I ask Billie to marry me.

5 minutes to midnight

This was nearly it, five minutes to go. Mike had Dakota in the kitchen ready to send through, most people had quietened down and made a little space around Billie so I could find him.

30 seconds to midnight

The longest thirty seconds of my life. I was visibly nervous by this point and some people gave me an encouraging pat on the back.

Oh god
This is taking so long
This is the scariest moment of my life
Mike was giving me a thumbs up
I was sweating
Every one started chanting the numbers now
All eyes were on me and Billie
Everyone went quiet
I was getting ready to call Dakota through
Well here goes nothing
"Dakota" I called and sure enough in she came carrying the blue velvet box in her mouth. Everyone had formed a circle around me and Billie. I took the box from Dakotas mouth and got down on one knee. I saw Billie put his hands over his mouth in shock and happiness.
"Billie, I've known you since forever, I can't explain how much I love you. You're perfect in every way possible. The way you pour your heart and soul into music and your lyrics. How caring you are and sweet and kind you are with Dakota and especially with me. I love you so so so fucking much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Billie Joe Armstrong, will you marry me?" I finished with the hope he would say yes.

I saw tears escape his eyes and roll down his cheeks. He nodded and threw himself into my arms.
"Hell yeah. Of course I'll marry you."
As soon as I heard these words I picked him up and spun him around in a circle, everyone clapped and cheered as I kissed him passionately. Soon I could finally call Billie my husband.

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