Chapter eighteen

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3 days later
Tré's pov

I was in a great mood today, Billie was being discharged from the hospital because he was making a good recovery. I ran to his room to help him get sorted and pack his bags. I entered the room he was sat upright smiling brightly at me, this was the happiest I'd seen him in days since the incident.
"You're in a good mood today baby"
"I know, because I finally get to go home with you"
"You're such a softie y'know"
"That's why you love me though"
I helped him up off the bed which made me kinda sad because he was still really sore, I gave him a gentle hug and walked him down to the front desk where we signed the discharge papers.
"It feels like I've been in this hell hole for months"
"At least you're finally free"
"Good point"
"Come on let's take you home baby"
I had an arm around his waist to steady him and I had his bags on the other arm. I drove back to my house and helped Billie out of the car and into the house.
"Okay where do you want to go, upstairs to bed? The sofa? The fridge?"
He laughed at my last suggestion.
"I'll just go sit on the sofa"
"Whatever my boo wants, my boo gets" I picked him up gently and sat him on the sofa.
"Stay there don't move I'll be right back" I ran upstairs and dragged the duvet off the bed and grabbed about five other blankets. I wrapped the duvet around us along with the several blankets until we looked like a huge sushi roll.
"What does my little sushi roll want to watch on tv"
"Can we watch some cartoons"
"Like what"
"How about Cartoon Network"
"Alright then"
kissed him softly, minding not to hurt him. I pulled him in closer to me so he was sitting on my lap and snuggling into my shirt. I loved moments like these where we could just sit and cuddle for hours.

After about an hour of watching adventure time Billie was getting fidgety.
"Tré I'm tired"
"Go to sleep then"
"Can I go up to bed"
"Of course you can you don't need to ask" I lifted him off the sofa and aided him up the stairs.

When we got to the bedroom I took out some pyjamas for him and put a blanket on the bed along with the duvet. I helped him get undressed but it made me cringe when I saw all the bruises on his stomach. I helped him into the bed and tucked him up. I stood up to leave but he pulled my hand back.
"Please don't, don't leave me alone Tré"
"It's okay I'll stay right here" I got into the bed aswell and gently cradled Billie in my arms soothing him to sleep.

We must have stayed like that for hours I hadn't slept at all but Billie was exhausted. He shuffled closer into me a small smile made its way onto his lips. After a good few hours he started kicked and thrashing out into the air and yelling no at the top of his voice, tears started streaming down his face.
"Hey Billie wake up baby it was just a bad dream" I gently shook him and he awoke looking me dead in the eye.
"What's the matter baby"
"I had a bad dream about those guys"
"What were they doing"
"They were trying to beat you up but I stopped them and then one of them got to you and it ended there"
"Hey everything is alright Billie I'm here for you I will protect you"
"I'm more bothered about who's going to protect you, I can't risk losing you or having you beaten up"

I pulled him close to me and dried his eyes, I shushed him until he stopped crying.
"You need to go to the police about what happened"
"I'm scared though"
"I'll be there with you, these guys are gonna come back if you don't say anything"
"Okay, I'll go to the police"
"Thank you"
"What time is it?"
"It's nearly seven pm"
"Shit how long was I out for?"
"You've been asleep since lunch"
"Can we get something to eat I'm hungry"
"Of course, what do you want. Pizza? I could make you something?"
"Can we get a pizza please"
"What do you want on it"
I went to call the pizza place and ordered a large pepperoni pizza. I took Billie downstairs so he could eat and I wrapped him up in some blankets.
"Y'know Billie you look very adorable rolled up in blankets."
He blushed slightly and smiled, it's been a while since he smiled.
"I love seeing you happy like this Billie"
"I'm always happy when I'm around you Tré"

The pizza showed up at the door and the smell made me so hungry. I gave the pizza guy the money and walked back into the room with Billie eagerly getting a pizza slice.
"Billie you almost don't seem hurt when there's pizza around"
"Well I'm not in as much pain after my sleep"
"That's great, means I can finally get back down to business with you if you know what I mean" Billie laughed.
"Let's add that to the list of things you never stop thinking about, sex and food" I laughed back and ate my pizza.

We finished our pizza and were now sat on the sofa watching tv.
"Hey Tré do you want to play twenty questions"
"Umm sure yeah"
"Okay, what do you love about me"
"What do you mean"
"Like what is it about me that you love"
"I love your eyes definitely, they're beautiful. I love your hair aswell it's so fluffy. I love your personality, you're childish but in a good way, you can have fun but you know when to stop. You have an incredibly soft side aswell as you obnoxiousness. I have a lot more reasons but we would be here forever"
"Okay how did you know you loved me"
"I guess when I first joined the band as your new drummer there was always something so eye catching and different about you that I liked, but it was mostly about a year and a half ago that I finally realised I loved you."

We played for ages both confessing things we've never confessed before, I actually enjoyed it for a while until past relationships came up. He talked about Addie for a little and I talked about some girlfriends of mine. The next question shocked me slightly.
"Are we going to be together forever?"
"Stupid question. Of course we will Billie I love you so much"
"I just wanted to know, I love you too Tré"
I kissed him on the neck making him moan slightly.
"Tré can we go to bed I'm so tired"
"Yeah come on I'll help you up"
I picked him up, still wrapped in blankets and carried him to bed. I got in beside him and I ran my fingers through his hair. I kept doing this until he had fallen asleep and was curled up with his head on my chest. I loved moments like this where it was peaceful and calming and everything felt okay.

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