Chapter seventeen

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Tré's pov
I was starting to get really worried about Billie, it's been forty minutes since he left. I decided to go see what's taking so long so I grabbed my coat and shoes and set off walking down the street towards Billies house.
"Billie" I shouted into the air hoping for a reply but I got nothing.

I walked past an alley way and heard a groaning noise. I walked back to see what it was and there I found Billie lying on the floor covered in bruises and cuts.
Tears formed in my eyes at the sight of Billie all beaten.
"Tré" I heard Billies voice, quiet and hoarse.
"Shush baby don't speak I need to get you to the hospital"
I picked him up gently and brought him into his house, I called the ambulance and held Billie against me until they arrived.

They laid him on the bed and wheeled him into the ambulance while I got in beside him and held his hand, they started asking all sorts of questions like his date of birth and his name and if he knew where he was, but he was in too much pain to answer so I had to answer for him.

When we got to the hospital they wheeled him off I to another room and I got told to wait outside for him. I called Mike whilst I was waiting.
The phone rang for ages until he finally picked up.
"What do you want Tré it's nearly midnight"
"You Gotta come to the hospital, don't ask questions just get here as soon as you can it's an emergency"
"Right okay I'm on my way now, where are you in the hospital"

Mike showed up in about five minutes, he ran up to me looking very worried while I was sat bawling my eyes out.
"Tré what the hell happened"
"It's all my fault"
"What's your fault"
"I let him go out without me, this wouldn't have happened if I'd have just gone with him"
"What are you talking about Tré what the fuck happened"
"It's Billie he got beaten up I found him in an alley way near his house all bruised and cut"
"What the fuck, who dos this to him I swear to god I'll put them in their graves"
"I don't know who did this he couldn't tell me"
Mike sat down next to me and pulled me in for a hug and dried my eyes.
"Mike... What if he dies"
"Don't be stupid Billie is strong he won't die"

The doctor finally came out to us with a worried look on his face.
"Right Billie Joe is going to be alright we've cleaned him up and stitched up what look like knife wounds. He's asleep at the moment but you're welcome to go and sit with him"
I jumped up and hugged the doctor
"Thank you so much, where is he?"
"He's right down that corridor first door on your right"
I practically ran to his room to see him with Mike following close behind me. I saw him laid there on the hospital bed hooked up to machines and drips, how could I have let this happen to him.

I sat down next to his bed and looked at him I didn't say anything or move at all I just looked. Several cuts were visible on his arms and some on his face, I didn't dare to look what other damage they had caused to him. Mike sat down next to me and rubbed small circles on my back.
"He's going to be okay Tré, I promise"
"How could any fucker do this to him"
"I don't know Tré but what's important is that he gets better first. Why don't you try talking to him in case he can hear you, I'll give you some space while I get a coffee"
Mike left the room leaving me alone with Billie, I placed my hand on his and grasped it running my thumb back and forth over the back of his hand.
"Hey Billie, I feel so horrible that this has happened to you its all my fault I let you go out on your own. I want you to know how much I love you and how much I care about you, so if you can hear me I love you more than anything in the world, I would do anything for you because I love you" I started crying and I laid my head on his chest. I stayed like this for a good while until I felt a hand wrap around my body. I looked around to see if Mike was back but he wasn't and no one else was in the room, I looked down and saw Billies eyes were open.
"Tré" his voice was weak and broken as he tried to speak.
"Oh my god Billie" I hugged him gently being cautious of his injuries and I gave him a kiss.
"This is all my fault Billie I'm so sorry"
"Hey none of this is your fault at all none of it, I will not have you blame yourself for something you couldn't stop"
"But I could have stopped it Billie, I could have gone with you"
"No Tré if you went with me they would have beaten you aswell trust me I'm glad you didn't I can't risk you being hurt like that"
"Who were those guys"
"I don't know but they know about us"
"What do you mean"
"Our relationship, they know that's why they did this to me, they were saying horrible things about you, so I stuck up for you I told them that if they ever went near you or said anything about you I would put them in their graves quicker than they could care to think about it"
"Billie what did they say about us"
"They called me a faggot, and then they told me to go suck faces with my faggot boyfriend" he started crying as he said those words, how could they do this.
"Hey Billie boo, don't cry baby don't cry I'm here with you they won't hurt you again I promise, I won't let it happen"
I sat on the edge of the bed and he sat up and sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed circles on his back just as Mike had done for me and this seemed to soothe him. I rocked him gently to stop his crying.
"It's alright now Billie, I'm here with you."
"Please please don't leave me Tré"
"I'm not gonna leave I'm gonna stay here by your side until they let you go. I love you so so so much Billie"
"I love you so much too Tré, you have no idea."
Mike came back with coffee and his face lit up when he saw Billie awake.
"Hey beej"
"Hi Mike"
"How are you feeling"
"Like shit"
"Well we know you still have your sarcasm" I laughed uneasily still sitting on Billies bed.
"Who did this to you Billie"
"I don't know I just told Tré what happened whoever it is knows about me and Tré"
"Is this why they did this"
"Yeah it is"
"Hey it's okay Billie I won't let them do this to you again and I won't let it happen to Tré either"
"I don't care about me I care about Tré, he needs to be safer than me they've already got to me they're gonna go for Tré next if anyone"
"I won't let anything happen to Tré I promise"
"Thank you Mike" Billie gripped my hand tighter and tears formed in his eyes again. I wiped them away and gently kissed his cheek telling him it was alright.
"How do you guys manage to be so fucking adorable together even in bad situations"
"Because we're fabulous"
"Tré are you staying here while I find a doctor to tell us what's happening"
"Yeah I'm staying here"
Mike left the room to get a doctor and I stayed by Billies side just as I'd promised.
"Yeah boo"
"Promise me you'll be safe, I don't want them getting you aswell"
"I promise Billie, I love you"
"I love you too"
Mike walked back in with a doctor, my eyes darted towards him hopefully.
"Right, it seems Billie has only been beaten up, granted very badly but he doesn't sustain and head trauma or severe cuts. He won't be discharged today of course but he could be discharged anywhere from 3-5 days once we're happy with his healing process"
Billies face lit up when he heard he would be going home soon, so did mine I wanted my Billie back.
"Another thing, once he is home he needs to take things easy for at least two weeks."
"What do you mean exactly"
"I mean he can't do anything that involves sports, he shouldn't be lifting heavy objects, he needs a lot of rest to allow his body to heal properly, and in general just no stupid things"

The doctor left the room to go check on the other patients and me and Mike stayed with Billie and talked to him until mike had to go home. It was 9pm by this time and the visiting hours had long passed but I made my point very clear 'I was a rockstar and I could stay if I fucking wanted to'. The nurses brought me a blanket and a pillow and I slept on the chair next to Billies bed, he was still holding my hand from earlier just so he knew I was still there. I spent the rest of the night in the hospital with him comforting him whenever he woke up from a bad dream or pain, it didn't take a lot for him to get back to sleep because he knew I was there.

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