Chapter six

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The trillie starts in this chapter but not until later on
Billies Pov
I woke up at the side of Tré's bed, my head resting gently against the bars. I must have fallen asleep whilst watching over him, yes I know it sounds weird but I love the man and I wanted to make sure he was okay through the night. I discovered I had a towel in one hand and a trash can in the other, probably in case he was sick. I was pleased that he was getting better he hadn't been sick for nearly twelve hours which is good.
I felt the bed move and I looked up to see a smiling Tré looking back at me. Well at least he's happy, he didn't say anything but he just gave me a hug instead. "Thank you so much Billie, thank you I'm so sorry you had to deal with me though"
"Hey Tré I'm not dealing with you, I'm looking after you, and you know I would do anything for you"
He just lay there in my arms hugging me tightly, I wish we could stay like this forever but I knew we couldn't. He soon let go and we went downstairs to be greeted by Mike, why the actual fuck was Mike in Tré's house.
"Mike wtf you doing here man"
"Came to see Tré, see if he's better which he looks like he is"
"Yeh man I'm feeling a lot better actually, I really want some bacon though" we all laughed at this because nothing deprives Tré of his constant need for food.
"It was great to see you Tré but I gotta get home to Brit because we're taking the kids out I'll drop by later with some movies though" Mike walked out and drove off leaving me and Tré alone again, I was going to tell him today I just needed to wait for the right moment to bring it up. I was so busy trying to figure out what to do that I didn't even notice that Tré had disappeared into the kitchen and was trying to reach the bacon. I got up and got it for him and told him to sit down and that I would cook it for him, he didn't even try to protest he just went and sat down at his table and waited for me to make some bacon sandwiches. "You always make the best bacon sandwiches beej" Tré beamed at me, I was glad to see him smiling at last today was definitely going to be the day that I tell him how I feel.
After breakfast he went upstairs to get changed and I waited on the sofa watching the tv. He burst back into the living room, well he was definitely back to his crazy-full of energy-self again.
He jumped onto the seat next to me and began playing with my hair and plaiting the longer bits, I felt like now was a good time to tell him because he was in such a good mood. "Tré can I ask you something?"
"Yeh go ahead ask away"
"Do you ever get that feeling like you want to tell someone something but you don't know how to do it or how they would react?" I felt like that was a good way to start to see what he would say but he didn't say a word, instead to my surprise he kissed me. I savoured every single moment of it with his soft lips against mine.
"I've been waiting for this moment for years" I just smiled, all I wanted to do was jump around and smile all the time and shout it from the rooftops.
"So I guess what I say next won't affect you in the slightest then Tré"
"Not if its what I think it is"
"Okay well here goes nothing, Tré I love you, I've been in love with you for years and it's killed me inside every time I wanted to tell you how I felt but I couldn't. I finally felt like it was the right time to tell you but I was scared you would freak out and not want to speak to me again" I started sobbing slightly at that point but I didn't know if it was just because I was so happy or because I was overwhelmed.
"Oh Billie, c'mere" Tré wrapped his strong arms around me and cradled me like a baby.
"Billie I love you too, I'm so glad you decided to tell me and nothing could ever fuck up our friendship" with that he kissed me again gently wiping the tears from my cheeks and stroking my hair. God I loved that man, and now I could finally tell him that.

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