Chapter three

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Tré's Pov
I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, I soon found I couldn't move because I had an adorable sleepy Billie clinging to me. God he was so fucking cute I just wish I could tell him. "Billie" I whispered softly to him "Billie wake up sleepyhead" he stirred and mumbled something along the lines of 'morning Tré' it took him a moment to realise I was in his bed because all of a sudden he burst out with "wtf Tré why are you in my bed" I couldn't tell if he was angry or not because he was smiling as he said it. I wanted to just kiss him right here but I couldn't because I knew how much it would fuck up our friendship.
Instead I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen and started making pancakes. I made Billie some as well and put them on a plate for him and brought them to his bedroom so he could have breakfast in bed. "God we're like a married couple Billie" I laughed seeing him smirk. He murmured something but I couldn't hear it, probably best as well because he went bright red afterwards. "I'm going to use your shower Billie I fucking stink man" I shouted as I wandered down his hall.
As I turned on the shower I could see he had my favourite shower gel, aww he knows me that well I laughed to myself as I heard the door open. 'Wtf beej I told you I was getting in the shower, It's clearly on' all I could think was getting out of there but at the same time I thought about asking him why he was in here. "Beej?" I asked slowly "yeh Tré" he answered so casually like his best friend wasn't stood naked behind a shower curtain. "Why are you in here I'm in the shower dude"
"Well you see Tré, everyone has to piss at some point and I can't exactly hold it for another half an hour"
"Wait I've been in here for half and hour" shit I thought and without even thinking I shut off the water and jumped out forgetting that Billie was actually in here too.
Well this will make for an interesting story to laugh at in the future I thought. I couldn't even begin to think about what was going on in his mind but I knew mine was telling me to get the fuck out and run. "I-uh so um yeh...whoops" the words just slurred out like I was drunk. It was so awkward stood there naked in front of Billie i couldn't tell if he was shocked or just wanted me out so I grabbed a towel and dashed to the guest room. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before but that was before I got a fucking huge crush on the guy. Knock knock Billie was banging on the door, great. "One sec" I yelled back.
"Okay come in" Billie walked in and sat on the bed, he shuffled his feet around awkwardly for a bit and then he spoke.
"Sorry Tré- for walking in when you were showering" he sounded so guilty and ashamed. "Billie you don't need to be sorry, I was just shocked"
"I know but I should have knocked first or waited, I'm really sorry"
"Dude like I said there's no need to be sorry, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before anyway" as much as he didn't need to be sorry, it was still embarrassing for me.
"Well I'll leave you to get ready then, apparently Mike wants to do another band practise so we have to leave in about ten minutes"
"Yeah okay I'll be down in a sec" I continued getting changed, it was funny I must have stayed here more than I remember because there is a draw of my clothes that I leave here for times like these. I wanted to dress up a little today but I just stuck with my black skinny jeans and dookie tee and bright blue converse. Suddenly I didn't feel too well and I felt horribly sick, it was probably nothing and would subside later on I thought and carried on downstairs into the living room where Billie was sleeping on the sofa. 'God that man can sleep, only five minutes ago he was in my room' i decided it would be funny to yell his name and as I did he fell on the floor and stopped looking so adorable. "TRÉ" he looked so cute when he was angry and I couldn't stop laughing which only made him angrier. "Dude you fell asleep on the sofa I had to wake you up somehow if we're ever going to get to the studio" and with that we went to band practice for the second day running.

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