Chapter nine

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Billies Pov
I woke up to the wonderful smell of bacon. Tré must be cooking breakfast I thought to myself. I grabbed a shirt and slipped it on, I realised it was actually Tré's shirt but I didn't care. I quietly walked into the kitchen to see a shirtless Tré making bacon, "morning Frankie" I walked up behind him and placed kisses on his neck.
"Mmm morning boo, you feeling okay since you woke up last night"
"Yeah I am...I'm sorry"
"Hey why are you sorry"
"Because I just loaded all my worries into our in the middle of the night"
"So what, I love you if we don't know why each others upset then how are we gonna be there for each other"
"I suppose yeah" I kissed him again not wanting to leave his embrace. I wanted to stay this way forever.
"Y'know you look really cute in my clothes" he kissed my nose and gave me a plate of bacon and eggs.
I sat down and ate breakfast with him, and damn was that a great breakfast.
"I'm going to take a coming?" Tré asked me
"Yeah dude I could use a shower, especially with you" he kissed me long and passionately, deepening the kiss. I moaned into his mouth making him chuckle slightly. "Mmm I really really love you Frankie" I said between kisses. Eventually he kissed my nose and picked me up taking me to the shower.
I turned the shower on and hopped in with him. I kissed him, rough and passionately, I traced my fingers down his toned stomach.

A/N bet you thought that was gonna be smut but it's not because I can't write smut to save my life so there will be some later.

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