Chapter five

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Billies Pov
I was getting really worried about Tré now he was always being sick even if he hasn't had any food. I decided to call the doctors to see what's wrong or if I should bring him in. "Um hello yes, I've got a friend who's quite ill at the moment and I'm worried in case something is really wrong"
"His symptoms? He has a high temperature and he can't stop being sick."
"Okay thanks for your help"
At least I don't have to bring him anywhere he doesn't seem in any condition to be travelling let alone going to the doctors he hates those places so much. I finally went to wake him up so I could try and get him to eat but he was already one step ahead of me and I found him in the bathroom wrapped in his fluffy blanket trying to run a bath. "Here Tré I'll run the bath go sit down I'm here to help you so you don't need to do anything" I started running his bath so that it would be warm enough for him but not to hot.
"Tré your bath is ready" he shuffled into the bathroom still wrapped in a fluffy blanket god he was so cute. "Are you gonna be okay or do you need help"
"Can you help p please Billie" he said it so quietly and nervously I almost didn't hear him. Gently I removed his blanket and folded it up and pulled his top over his head and threw it in the wash, next was his pants, this must have been kinda embarrassing for him because he went bright red. I helped him into the bath and rubbed soap and water into his back since he couldn't reach. "Do you want me to stay or will you be okay on your own Tré?"
"Um c could you s stay please"
"Yes of course Tré just tell me when you want to get out" it was so tempting just to get in there with him but I knew I had to refrain from doing that. Eventually he said he wanted to get out so I helped him out and got him a warm towel and some fresh pyjamas to change into. "Do you want to go back to bed or stay up and try to eat something?"
"I think I'll try and eat some food"
"Okay what do you want, have anything I'll go to the shops and get it for you"
"I wouldn't mind some chocolate ice cream if you don't mind" he's so sweet the way he speaks like that, so shy and nervous.
"Okay I'll be about ten minutes and be back with some ice cream so stay put in your blanket" I was just about to pull off the drive when Mike messaged me
'Is Tré okay'
'Yeah he's getting better I'm staying with him at the moment'
'So have you told him yet?'
'No Mike I will I promise just let him get better first'
I forgot that I had told Mike about my crush in Tré. He keeps telling me to tell him how I feel but I'm waiting until the time is right.
I got to the shop and dashed to the freezers at the back, I picked up tré's favourite ice cream - Ben and Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie.
I sped back to Tré's and walked through the door only to see a sleepy Tré wrapped in a blanket on the sofa. I almost didn't want to wake him but I knew he had to eat something soon so I gently shook him until he came around.
"Hi" he whispered
"Hi Tré I got you some of your favourite ice cream it's Ben and Jerrys"
"Thanks beej you have no idea how grateful I am for everything you've done for me the past few days"
"Your welcome Tré you know I would do anything for you" I watched him happily eat his way through the full tub of ice cream, at least he was eating something. I decided I had to tell him at some point in the next 24 hours, mainly because Mike won't leave me alone about it but also because I need to tell him. It's been way to long and it's just gonna keep eating me up slowly. In the meantime I got Tré into bed and made sure he had everything he wanted before leaving him to sleep.

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