Chapter seven

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Tré's Pov
I was officially the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, Billie had just told me that he loves me and I just told him that I loved him. Life couldn't be better now that I finally had Billie to myself and he had me to himself. We laid there on the sofa, with Billie laying on top of me snuggled into my chest with my arms wrapped around his tiny body. We were watching tv but eventually we fell asleep in each other's arms, this however didn't last long because Mike burst through the front door showing about movies and popcorn. "Hey guys I've got the mov- AWWWWWWW" he saw Billie and me cuddled up together on the sofa watching tv. "So I'm guessing that you told him Billie"
"Yeah I did, and I couldn't be happier" he couldn't stop smiling, I was glad i made him so happy. "Wait so Mike knew about this the whole time?" I had no idea that Mike knew about this.
"Yeah Billie told me about a year ago and I wouldn't leave him alone until he told you" awww that's so cute, I decided to be even cuter and kissed Billie on the tip of his nose making him smile and blush " you're so cute when you blush Billie "
"Um guys still in the room don't make me sit in between you two" I forgot Mike was in the room then, it was nice seeing him but I kinda also wish it was just me and Billie.
"So what movies have you got then"
"I have batman, the Simpsons movie and the Star Wars trilogy, take your pick"
"Star Wars"
"Star Wars"
Me and Billie both said it in unison which made us both look at each other and laugh.
"You two are really made for each other" Mike said this whilst laughing.
"You know I'm really happy for both of you, you're really good together"
"Mmm we are good together aren't we beej" i kissed him softly on his lips feeling him smile as I did it.
Mike put the movie on and we all got on the sofa with about five blankets. Billie was curled up with his delicate arms around my waist and his head gently resting on my chest, I ran my finger through his hair earning almost inaudible gasps occasionally. His breaths steadied as he fell asleep in my arms, he was so fucking adorable I never wanted to move. However the flash out of the corner of my eye got my attention pretty fast, Mike the sneaky bastard had taken a photo of me and beej. "Mike you fucker you better not send that to anyone"
"But you guys are so fucking cute" Mike said it with mock hurt dripping from his tone. "But he's sleeping Mike at least wait until he wakes up"
"Fine but this will be sent to at least one person and you cannot stop me"
"You want to thank the fact that I have a fucking adorable beej curled up on me otherwise you would be on that floor Mike"
"Awwwwwwwww" oh my fucking god Mike was getting to obsessed over me and Billie. "Hmm I thought of a name for you two, trillie"
"What the fuck" a third voice had just cut in, Billie had woken up.
"Dude Mike what are you on"
"I don't know and you can't have any Billie" Mike was laughing now, clearly proud of himself for the name and the photo.
"Hmmmm who should I send that photo to?"
"What I'm just messing with ya, go on get back to your cuddly smoochy lovey dovey business"
"We fully plan on that Mike whether you're here on not" Billie laughed at this and smiled a really cute smile.
"You're so fucking cute beej"
"Hmm I know" he kissed me with his soft lips and gently ran his tongue across my top lip making me shiver.
"Guys stop you're gonna make my heart explode" cried Mike
"Poor diddums" laughing at this I jumped at the opportunity to kiss Billie back just to see what Mike would do.
"I'm gonna head out and leave you two to suck at each others faces" mile walked out and drove off in his car leaving me and Billie alone to do whatever we pleased.
"You know I'm just thinking Billie"
"About what?"
"About how I could really eat a sandwich right now"
"Are you always hungry is this a permanent fixture" laughed Billie.
"Yeah pretty much, I'm never not hungry" I got up to make myself a sandwich and walked towards the kitchen.
I got the peanut butter out and found the remaining bread and started making my sandwich, not long after I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a mop of black hair rest on my shoulder.
"God you're so cute Billie"
"You've said that already"
"I don't care it's true"
"Hey Tré guess what"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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