Chapter twenty three

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Tré's pov

It was finally the day that Billie was moving in with me, and incase you're wondering, Mike did have to drag our sorry asses home when we got drunk at the Halloween party.

I was helping Billie carry cardboard boxes into m- our house. 'What the hell does he have in these they're heavy as fuck?' I thought to myself as I picked up another one. Billie finally brought in the last box and threw it on the bed along with himself.
"Is little Billie boo tired?"
"Yes" he dead panned.
"You want a nap?"
"No, I won't sleep later if I do."
"Okay, do you want to start unpacking your stuff or leave it for tomorrow?"
"Fuck it, it can wait until tomorrow"
"Alright, I'm gonna go order a Chinese what do you want?"
"Noodles, sweet and sour chicken and chips please."
"No problem"

I went downstairs to order us a Chinese, even thought it was ten am. Surprisingly they were open so I ordered the food and managed to drag Billie downstairs.

The food arrived eventually and I was so fucking hungry I nearly forgot to pay for it.
"Jesus Tré I've never seen you eat so fast"
"I'm fucking starving" I laughed out whilst shovelling more food into my mouth.
"You're always fucking starving" Billie laughed
"True, I wouldn't be Tré cool if I wasn't hungry all the time"
"Y'know what we haven't done in ages?"
"Yeah, but that's not it. We haven't had band practice for ages."
"Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. But first let's fix that other thing we haven't done in ages"
I pressed my lips against Billie's softly, running my hands through his mop of black hair. I felt his hands snake down to my waist and pull me onto his lap in one swift motion. I pulled my legs around his waist, faintly tracing my fingers up and down his sides making him shudder slightly. I felt him smile against my lips and I took the opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth making him moan quietly. His hands went down to my jeans slowly sliding his hand down the back of them. My hands went underneath his shirt feeling all the bumps and ridges of his toned stomach. I slowly lifted off his shirt, slinging it carelessly across the room. I began kissing gently down his jawline and down his neck, earning in a low moan from him. I carried on kissing all the way down his chest and all the way back up, finding his lips and once again connecting them. He lifted off my shirt and threw it behind him as he ghosted his finger along my v-line. The door opened revealing Mike.
"SUP BITC-" we both jumped away as he shouted. "- I'll uh I'll just let you get back to that"
"Wow thanks Dirnt now the moments gone" Billie groaned as he started looking for his shirt.
"You're welcome?"
"Why are you here anyway, and haven't you heard of knocking?"
"Well I thought I'd just drop by and shit and play some songs but it looks like you had other plans. Plus I did knock but you were too busy eating each others faces to notice" he smirked when he said this.
"So I've never asked you this. Which one of you is the girl in your relationship?"
"Mike are you high" I questioned
"Not that I know of, and if I was in not sharing. Anyway stop avoiding my question, I want answers. Which one of you is the girl in your relationship?"
Me and Billie both pointed at each other at the same time making Mike laugh. "Okay I can sort this out. Who bottoms?"
"What the fuck Mike, you're high aren't you?"
"Most likely, and I'm still not sharing."
"So you actually just came round to ask us who's the chick and who bottoms?"
"Pretty much yeah."
"Mike go home. You need sleep"
"That is correct"
Mike turned around and walked back out through the door and in the complete opposite direction of his house. Me and Billie watched in amusement and he started talking to a trash can and ran after and old lady trying to pet her dog.
"Billie do you think we should go help him?"
"Nah, I've dealt with high Mike before, he usually gets back to where he's supposed to be within 24 hours."
"Okay, so what, we just watch him act like a retard in public?"
"Yeah basically, it's highly amusing."
"How have I not seen high Mike before? This is great."
"Trust me it gets better. Once we went into town and he was tripped on acid and probably some other shit, any ways we were walking down the street and I was trying to keep him away from people so he wouldn't try and hug them, but I let him out of my sight for one second while I lit a cig and where do I find him? Chasing some poor cat down the street shouting after it asking for its autograph so he can say he has an autograph from top cat."
I spluttered at the thought of Mike chasing a cat and fell to the floor laughing. "Where did you find him?"
"In some dumpster holding a dead raccoon and petting it saying 'good boy' and 'who's a good kitty' " this made me laugh even harder and start worrying whether or not I could die from laughing too much.
"Wait so how the fuck did you get him to come back?"
"I told him top cat was at home waiting to give him his autograph, he got up pretty quickly after I said that. It was funnier when he got home and asked me where top cat was and I told him top cat was in a tragic car accident which resulted in him dying instantly in a ball of fire. He went into the corner and cried for a straight three hours until the drugs wore off and then he called me asking me why he was crying, I told him why and he hung up saying he didn't believe me."
"Wow. Just wow. But top cat? Really? Then again it is Mike"
"Yep, and that's why we don't give drugs to mike." I just laughed and wondered why I had never witnessed this before now, I mean it was a pretty magical experience watching Mike chase and old lady, especially when it turned it she had pepper spray.
"Billie are you sure we shouldn't help him I mean he just got pepper sprayed."
"He'll be fine, we'll get him in a bit."

"So what do you want for Christmas anyway?"
"Dunno man, what do you want?"
"Is that a question or a statement?"
"Hell if I know"
"Okay let's start with the basics. What do you love most in the world and if you say me I won't kiss you for two months."
"I like drums."
"Do you want new ones?"
"Nah mine are fine."
"Okay what else do you like?"
"Seeing Mike on drugs."
"Well who doesn't like that, but I'm not gonna drug Mike on Christmas Day for you."
"I like food."
"Well that's a start I guess. What about I just buy you a sex toy?"
"No way!"
"Y'know what, I'll go think about it, you think about something to get me aswell. And before you say it, do not get me a sex you either."
"I think that can be managed." I gave him a quick kiss and went to the basement to think.

After three hours I finally got an idea. I could get him a guitar. I know what you're thinking a guitar really he already has thousands, but this wasn't going to be any guitar. I was going to have his name engraved in it and then I was going to stick loads of photos of us on it. Basically I was recreating blue but with my own twist to it.

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