Chapter twenty five

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Billies pov
-------Christmas Eve-------
I got out of bed early, ready to drop by Mike's again to see the puppy and discuss how we are going to get her into the house. Unfortunately I woke Tré up in the process .
"Where you going Billie?"
"Just for a drive around" I lied
"I have writers block, driving clears my head."
"Okay, I love you"
"I love you too baby." I leaned down to kiss him and left quietly so he could sleep again.

I arrived at Mike's house within a couple of minutes. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. I was greeted by Mike who was only wearing boxers and one sock.
"Mike. Any reason you look like a hobo?"
"Just woke up"
"Makes sense for you."
"Puppy's in the kitchen by the way"
"Thanks man. What are we gonna do tomorrow then?"
"Well, me and Britt and the kids are coming over tomorrow anyway, so how about we just come over earlier and I can sneak the puppy through the back and you can make some excuse to leave the room to help me."
"Yeah I think that will work, one question though."
"What time tomorrow, because we all know Tré will be up early for the presents."
"How about 10 am"
"Sounds good, thanks a lot for this man I appreciate it a lot"
"No worries Billie, see you tomorrow morning then."
"See you tomorrow."
I waved bye to Mike as I walked out and drove back home. I walked in on Tré curled up on the sofa watching a movie. I discarded my jacket and shoes and joined him on the sofa.
"What film you watching?"
"It's called serendipity, it's a good film but it's sorta sad."
"Oh by the way, Mike and Brit and the kids are coming over tomorrow morning at 10 am, so we're gonna leave some of the presents until they get here."

-------Christmas morning-------

I was rudely torn from my dreams by Tré as he bounced on the bed like a child. Oh yeah, it's Christmas.
"Tré it's 6 am"
"I'm aware"
"It's early"
"I'm also aware of that"
"Let me sleep"
"No can do. I promise that I will not get you up at all tomorrow morning if you get up with me now."
"You are so lucky I love you"
"Damn right I am, now let's go open some presents."
I got dragged from my bed all the way downstairs by an incredibly enthusiastic Tré, I was more excited to see his face when he gets his puppy.

Roughly three and a half hours later, there was wrapping paper strewn all over our living room floor and Tré was building a fort out of the sofa cushions.
"Tré everyone will be here soon"
"Okay baby, I'm going to get ready." He kissed me on the cheek and ran upstairs to get dressed.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a message from Mike.
Mike: are you guys ready because we are arriving earlier than we thought.
Me: yeah we're good, Tré's just getting ready.
Mike: alright I'll be there soon.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and started cleaning up some of the wrapping paper. Not long afterwards Mike showed up at the back door holding the puppy and brit was behind carrying the box of toys. I told them to just put them in a spare room somewhere.

-------Tré's pov-------

I pulled on some skinny jeans and a Christmas jumper, I was happy because it was mine and billies first Christmas as a couple. I pulled his present out from underneath the bed- a dark blue guitar with loads of pictures of us stuck on it, and an engraving along the top that read: Billie Joe Armstrong, lots of love from Tré xxx. I brought it downstairs where everyone was waiting .

-------billies pov-------

Tré walked in carrying a large object wrapped in black wrapping paper, he handed it to me blushing slightly as he did so. I started unwrapping it carefully, revealing a dark blue guitar with the words : Billie Joe Armstrong, lots of love from Tré xxx engraved on the top. The rest of it was covered in pictures of me and Tré. It was so beautiful and it was definitely one of my favourite guitars. I stood up and hugged Tré tightly
"Thank you so much, I love you" I whispered in his ear.
"You're welcome baby, I love you too."
"It's time for your present now, close your eyes and hold out your hands."
Tré obeyed and I ran out of the room to get the puppy. Once I got hold of her I dashed back to the living room where everyone was sitting.
"Billie I swear to god if you hand me a dildo I will smack you with it." We all laughed at this and I carefully placed the puppy in Tré's arms. It took him a while to register what he was holding but when he did he started stroking her softly and letting her lick his face. When she jumped down and wandered off he turned to me with the biggest smile ever. He walked over and kissed me whilst mumbling 'thank you so much' at the same time. He hugged me tightly and didn't let go for a while. When he eventually pulled away I noticed he had tears in his eyes, I wiped them away gently and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you so fucking much Billie I love you so much."
"I love you too, what are you gonna name her?"
"How about Dakota, I like that name"
"Yeah that's a nice name."

The rest of the morning was great, it was full of present exchanging and lots of hugs and kisses, especially from Dakota.
"Billie, Tré I have your present for you"
Mike handed us a carefully wrapped present, obviously wrapped by Brit. We both opened it and saw a black photo album inside with mine and Tré's names written on it. I opened it up to see a picture of me and Tré kissing. I looked up at Mike who was smirking.
"You sneaky fuck, so this is the reason you took so many photos?"
"Yeah, there's more than that one too."

I turned the page and surely enough there were more photos of me and Tré, I had to admit it was a pretty nice idea. I came across a picture of Tré straddling my waist tickling me, I laughed and remembered it as one of our first days together as a couple.
"Mike this is awesome, thanks a lot man"
"You're still a sneaky fuck though"

Everyone laughed and kids were running around all over the place playing with Dakota and making even more mess. I had an idea and went to get my Polaroid camera.
"Let's have a big Christmas picture together."
I put it on a table and turned the time on, we all got in frame and found Dakota, Tré picked her up and held her lovingly in her arms. Just as the flash went off I grabbed Tré's face and kissed him passionately. The photo came out the front of the camera and I waited for it to focus properly. It revealed me and Tré kissing with Dakota in between us, Brit carrying Ryan and Mike making bunny ears behind Brixton's head. I stuck it in the next clean page of our photo album and closed it.

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