Chapter ten

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I got out of the shower and let Billie get dressed, I decided take a nap because I was tired.
"Yeah Tré"
"I'm off to take a nap wake me up in about two hours"
"Okay, love you"
"Love you too"
Billie walked through and kissed me on the forehead and let me go to sleep.

------------2 hours later--------------

I woke up to the sound of Billie's car pulling onto the drive way, he opened the front door and I decided to surprise him. I quietly walked down the stairs and down the hall until I was right behind him and then I jumped onto back and attacked him with butterfly kisses up his neck.
"Hi Billie" I half shouted enthusiastically.
"Hi Frankie"
"Where have you been"
"Ooooo what did you get"
"It's surprise"
"But Billie" I mimicked like a little girl
"You'll find out soon enough I promise"
And with that he left the room and took the bags with him. I walked downstairs and started playing my drums, pounding out completely random tunes until my arms started to ache. I wondered if he was finished yet and went upstairs to find out. I walked into the living room and I was so shocked by what I found.

All around the room were dozens of red roses, all scattered randomly. In the middle of the room there was a card with the name Tré written on the front. I opened the card and inside it read:

Dear Tré
I love you more than anything in this world, I want you to know that you're the only person I want fall asleep with every night, the only person I want to wake up to every morning.

I can't put into words how much love I feel for you, I just wanted you to know this. You've done so much for me without even realising, I was so depressed when Adrienne and I divorced, I didn't feel like I could ever find someone so amazing, but I was wrong I realised you were the one all along. You are the one Tré, you are the one and only of my life.

~lots of love from your boo

Oh my god, I dropped the card and turned around to see Billie staring at me. I jumped at him and kissed him hard not caring about bruising our lips.
"Oh my god Billie I love you so fucking much"
"I love you too Tré more than anything"
I hugged him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder.
"Hey shhh it's alright Tré" he cooed into my ear whilst rubbing his hand on my back.
"I'm so fucking happy Billie you have no idea how much this means to me" I continued sobbing into his shoulder.
"Tré you have no idea how happy you make me."
I dried my eyes and kissed Billie again.
"I have another surprise for you Tré"
"Ooo what"
"I bought movies, really warm blankets and ice cream"
"Have I ever told you that I love you Billie" he laughed and kissed my nose, then walked off to get the movies and ice cream.

We got under the blankets on the sofa and put a movie in. Billie's head was resting in the crook of my neck, his arm was wrapped around my waist and every so often he would grip just I little tighter. I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled it close to mine, nestling my face into his fluffy black hair.

Soon felt his breaths steady, a little smile made its way onto his lips, his little nose was buried into my neck and his beautiful eyes were closed peacefully. Every so often he would mumble something or stir a little, he was like a cute little puppy.

He woke up an hour later once the film had finished.
"Hi boo"
"Hi Frankie"
I kissed his nose and he went a deep crimson colour and kissed me back.
"I had a great dream y'know"
"Really what was it about"
"Well you were in it, so was Mike but he was dressed as a donut." I laughed at this with a vivid picture of Mike the donut appearing in my head.
"But we were on tour, and we were doing a gig, and then the crowd kept cheering me on to kiss you so I did and then I woke up"
"Awww that's cute, I can see why it was a great dream, after all you got to kiss me" I kissed him on the forehead and he laughed.
"Hey Tré we forgot something"
"What's that"
"The ice cream"
We spent the rest of the day in each others arms eating chocolate ice cream and trying to figure out possible reasons for Mike to be dressed as a donut.

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