Preference #1

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How you meet:

Damon- You had just moved to town to find Klaus, your older brother. You were lucky enough not to get daggered like your other siblings but like Klaus always says, you're his favourite. Apparently Rebekah, Kol and Elijah were no longer daggered which made you excited since you missed you siblings. You walked into a little place called the Mystic Grill. As soon as you got in you knew there was another vampire in here. You walked towards the bar and compelled a blonde hair-blue eyed boy for a bourbon. You sat in the stool and not even a second later there was someone at your side. You looked over to see a raven haired man with gorgeous blue eyes looking at you with suspicion. 

"You just going to stare at me or...?"

The mysterious guy cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward, placing his mouth very close near your ear.

"I saw that. You think no one's going to notice? That was sloppy if you ask me. Anyone could've seen you do that and raise suspicion."

He backed off and smirked, but he seemed familiar.

"Well, I don't think you want to be talking to me like that."

He still had a smirk,

"Oh? And why's that?"

It was your turn to smirk, now you knew, that was Damon Salvatore standing in front of you,

"I'm not trying to brag or anything but,"

You finished your drink before continuing,

"I am one of the Mikaelson's, or an original if you'd like to think of it that way Damon."

You got up, blew him a kiss and walked out, leaving him in disbelief.

This was definitely not your last encounter.

Stefan- New school. New year. New life. You had just moved here from Chicago which in your case was a huge change. You had already met Elena and Bonnie who both gave you a weird feeling. Later on while organizing your locker you met Caroline. Again you had a suspicious feeling. Being a witch gave you those kinds of feelings when around supernatural beings. You were sure Bonnie was a witch and Caroline was a vampire. The bell rung and you headed to class you hoped the teacher wouldn't spot you in the crowd. You scurried in but you were caught,

"Ms. Y/N Y/L/N. Welcome to Mystic falls. I'm Mr. Saltzman but everybody calls me Ric."

You give him a smile and walk further into the classroom.

"Y/N you'll be sitting over in the middle row behind the nice gentleman over there." Mr. Saltzman pointed out a dashing young fellow who gave you a charming smile. You returned the smile and sat behind him. After a few minutes he turned around and looked at you,

"Hi, my name's Stefan." He beamed.

"Well you already know mine." He chuckled.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He was nervous to ask.

"Sure." And that's how you started your new life. Though you felt something strange while you were around him. You were soon to find out what that feeling was.

Tyler- It was just you and your dad now. Your mom had died and your siblings had moved away. Your dad was a football coach and every once and awhile you both would move. This time you moved to a little place called mystic falls. It was an ordinary day and you were out in the field with your dad since you both shared a vehicle. It was almost near the end of the practice when one of the guys stopped for a water break. You recognized him, Tyler Lockwood. You had never officially met each other though. He came and got his water and stopped for a small chat before coach got mad.

"Hey, don't you know it's rude to stare?"

"Don't you know it's rude to accuse?" You remarked. He grinned.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He set his water bottle down without breaking the eye contact and all the way back to the field until he reached the team. That was Tyler Lockwood for you. 

Jeremy- Late afternoon was the perfect time to hang out with your best friend Elena. You knew she had a brother but you two had never been properly introduced. He was always out doing something. Today you were going to meet him for sure. You got to Elena's and knocked on the door. Instead of Elena answering it was a guy. 

"You must be Y/N. I'm Jeremy."

You smile and walk in and say over your shoulder,

"Hi Jeremy."

Matt- You were just passing through this little town named Mystic Falls for a drink since you've been driving for 3 hours straight. You drive through the town and find a place called "The Mystic Grill". You park your car and head on into this little grill. As soon as you walk in you see the bar and you head straight to it. You park it on a stool and wait for the bartender. You wait not 2 seconds and a young guy comes to serve you. He has dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. Kinda cute too. 

"How can I help the pretty lady." The boy asks with a charming smile.

"I'll get a bourbon."

"Alrighty. I'm Matt."


He smiles and goes off to get your drink.


 A/N: So how was it? Comment your thoughts.


Had to change Damon's because I forgot that you were related to the Mikaelson's NOT the Gilberts. Sorry.

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