Imagine 9- Damon (real)

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Imagine watching movies on a stormy night with Damon

It was a dark and stormy night and you couldn't help but look at the lightning dance across the sky as the thunder roared every now and then. You walked away from the window, turning to face Damon who was sitting on the couch, smirking at you,

"You're not like other girls Y/N, you're not afraid of storms." You scoffed,

"Afraid? Pfft. I'm in LOVE with storms."  Damon rolled his eyes and you took a seat next to Damon, he pulled you over with one arm and you snuggled in close, him putting a blanket over the two of you. You reached for the remote and Damon reached for the popcorn, ready to start your movie night. After scrolling through Netflix and not finding anything, you decided to watch Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny because, it was seriously funny. During the show, a big crack of thunder sounded and the lightning flashed like crazy. Damon looked over to you,

"Y/N, you're heart is racing. Are you afraid?" You looked over to him and glared,

"I'm not afraid, it just caught me by surprise." You get up and head to the window and see what you've never seen before. The lightning was flashing every second, all across the sky, and the thunder could only be heard every once and awhile. You felt a pang of fear in your chest as you continued to watch the storm. You got so caught up in watching that you didn't even realize that Damon had come up behind you until he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered in your ear,

"It's alright Y/N, I'm right here." You shook out of your gaze and turned around in Damon's grasp so that you were now facing him. You tucked your arms in and Damon held you close, standing for just a moment before you looked at him and began to laugh,

"What's so damn funny?" You shook your head,

"Like I said before, I'm in LOVE with storms. This one was just unusual but look at how cool it is!" Damon rolled his eyes and went back to the couch. You walked over to him and sat on his lap facing him,

"But I'm glad I had someone so strong, brave and sexy to take care of me." Damon smirks and you lean in to close the gap between you two, the both of you melting into the kiss. You pulled back and smile, Damon smirks and you knew that you were lucky to have him, your protector.


Cheesy, short and terrible...

But it's an update so I hope you guys like it ;)

Love you awesome nerds


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