Preference #36

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Family Issues
Damon- You're the youngest Mikaelson so that means twice the drama. Klaus had asked you if you would like to be a better auntie (harsh I know) and it was a tough decision. Stay with Damon, your love, or go to New Orleans to be closer with your family especially hope. You had been waiting for the perfect time to say something to Damon and when you finally did he was a little upset but he got over it. He told you that it would be nice for you to see your family but mostly Rebekah, Hayley and Hope. You were going for a visit a coming right back although you still had your doubts about how well it was going to work out.

Stefan- Like being a witch wasn't enough for the universe. Grams had died, your mom was turned into a vampire, your dad was killed and then Bonnie was trapped in Kai's prison world. Stefan tried his best to comfort you but surprisingly, Damon could give you more comfort since he was with her for a majority of time. Stefan was slightly jealous but at the end of the day, you needed Stefan more than he needed you, which is saying a lot.

Tyler- You didn't have a supernatural family but the drama was definitely there. Your family was always on your back about how you were never with them and always in Mystic Falls. Like they really cared, they can't drive or something? It's not like it's an enjoyable time when you go and visit them, it usually involves fighting, bickering and constant separation. The time you spend with them is worse then when you're miles away from them.

Matt- Vampire? Drama. Werewolf? Drama. Both? Extra drama. Klaus was the one to turn you years back. Technically, you're older than Tyler but he of course, had to look older than you. You're Dad, Mason, was killed a while back and it was a rough time for you since that's when you needed family the most though you didn't know that until you pushed them away. Now, Tyler tries to be there for you as much as he can but honestly? He doesn't care. All he cares about is getting some stupid revenge or 'living in the moment' or becoming a cop. As much as you need him, he can never be there for you when you need him and that creates the drama, but Matt comforts you and makes sure you're alright and maybe even having a talk with Tyler.

Jeremy- Your dad's dead, you're mom's dead, you're uncle's dead and Tyler may as well be dead. Tyler is your brother and you love him but the risks he takes is moron worthy. Revenge isn't worth anything anymore, and becoming a cop sure as hell isn't doing anyone any favors. You just wish that Tyler was around more often, or even just talking with you. Jeremy tells you everything you want to hear and makes you feel good but it doesn't help where you are with Tyler.

Elijah- Your mom had just died and unlike Caroline, you fought the urge to turn it off. It was terrible seeing Caroline turn it off but she somehow seems happy while being emotionless. Then she goes and makes Stefan turn it off. Caroline is your baby sister and Stefan is Damon's baby brother, you and Damon have been working together more often, trying to think of a way to make them turn on their humanity without making them snap. Elijah is always in New Orleans and you're usually in Mystic Falls, going to New Orleans for visits every once in awhile. Elijah has started getting jealous of Damon and the time you spend in Mystic Falls instead of New Orleans but you tell him that everything is fine. Elijah trusts you and you trust him and this is how you guys make it work.

Klaus- As if being a Salvatore wasn't drama already, but then you had to fall for Klaus, one of your brothers worst enemies. Every time you're with your brothers, they lecture you about being with a Mikaelson and the worst one at that. It's hard loving your brothers when they have nothing good to say about your choices although Stefan is slightly nicer. It still doesn't help though.

Kai- Elena and Jeremy's cousin was you and you were the girlfriend of the sociopath who developed feelings, literally. Elena tells you to get rid of him, break up with him. You didn't understand what her deal was but then Jeremy started saying it to so you just ignored them and continued living your life, although their lecturing doesn't stop.

Kol- Katherine is gone. She may have been a bitch but she was still your sister. You tried to help her all that you could but it was no use. Now all you can feel is guilt and hurt and can't help but wonder how your niece, Nadia, is doing although you have no idea where she is. Your family isn't messed up, it's just small and difficult.

Enzo- Gemini coven. Kai merging with Luke. Jo losing her magic and also pregnant. Yep, good Ol' Parker family. These were some of the things that made your family have issues, I mean being witches is a start but everything else is even worse.

I changed some things on preference 6 so if it doesn't make sense, just take a look at it

Love you awesome nerds


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