Imagine #33- Klaus

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Imagine you have a YouTube channel and you prank Klaus

Content. It all comes down to what you can do with yourself and a camera to create a video that has the potential to make people laugh, cry and even relate. Today was a different day though because today, you would be pranking the one and only Klaus Mikaelson.

"If we do this perfectly, it'll work. No doubt." You sat all the Mikaelson's down except for Klaus, of course, and told them the plan.

"Okay but what about the aftermath? There's no doubt that Klaus is going to freak out and I think we all know that." Rebekah stated a good point but there was nothing getting in your way of this prank.

"I promise that any aftermath will be on my hands." They all looked to each other and smiled, looking back at you.

"This should be fun." Kol stated before you got up to set up cameras.


From another room, on a computer screen, you watched Rebekah and Kol pace around the room so that when Klaus walked in, he would be suspicious immediately. In another room, Elijah was also pacing back and forth. Everything was going according to plan as Klaus walked into the room that Rebekah and Kol were in.

"What are you doing?" Klaus asked Rebekah and Kol. They both turned around and put on a shocked face that could fool anyone.

"Nothing." Rebekah blurted out and stood still while Kol stood beside her.

"What's really going on?" Klaus walked up closer to Kol and Rebekah and they made their best attempts to look uncomfortable. Just then, Elijah had heard that Klaus was in the other room and went to join the three, just as planned.

"Niklaus. We can't lie to you anymore." Elijah's words caught Klaus off guard, causing him to turn and walk towards Elijah.

"What do you mean?" Klaus stood firmly in front of Elijah before Elijah spoke.

"Y/n is missing." Klaus' hard face turned soft and filled with emotions. The most prominent emotion was anger.

Klaus yelled out and started to flip chairs as well as a table then pushed books off of shelves.

"How long has she been gone for?!" Klaus was enraged, so you decided that in a few moments, you would tell Klaus that it was a prank, a joke even.

"Since last night." Kol spoke out to Klaus causing him to whip around and push him up against a wall firmly.

"I swear if she's got even a scratch on her body then-" At this point in Klaus' rage, you had already walked into the room.

"Then what?" You said softly which made Klaus drop Kol and run over to you, engulfing you into his arms.

"How are you here? I don't und-" Klaus was once again cut off by you.

"It was a prank. This was all set up and you just got pranked." You freed yourself from Klaus' arms and danced around.

"Love, if that ever gets onto the internet then I'm going to have to punish you." Klaus' words were said in a serious tone but you had done this before; it wasn't anything new.

"Don't worry, I'll cut out the bad parts. Besides, it makes you look like a good boyfriend since you cared so much." You smiled innocently at Klaus while Elijah, Kol and Rebekah all chuckled quietly.

"You're a mischievous one, my love." Klaus' lips curled into a faint smile.


Requested by: @Elizabeth_Amore

Sorry for the shortness... oops

Love ya hun's


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