Imagine 20- Enzo

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Imagine being in Augustine with Enzo

It was terrible being in that horrific place but being with Enzo made it slightly more tolerable. He was sweet and kind towards you, even though being tortured by the doctors in Augustine. He was brave although the things that were done to him and you both were quite terrifying.

Today it was your day. Your day to be taken in and stabbed in the eye or getting one of your main arteries sliced open. Everyday, you tried to think of ways to escape but everyday it came to one simple obstacle. Weakness. You were too tired to run or fight back. They only gave you a certain amount of blood and it sure as hell wasn't enough to do anything spectacular. Today was your day.

Enzo watched you lay on the floor, limp, not using an energy at all,

"What are you up to gorgeous?"

You didn't reply or make any movements at all,

"Ah, I see. You've made a plan of some sort and now you won't tell me. Got it."

He laughs and the doctor comes out,

"You, get up."

You didn't move.

"I said, get up."

Again, you didn't move. The doctor was about to do something but Enzo screeched,

"I'll go!"

The doctor raised an eyebrow but shrugged and took Enzo instead. When Enzo walked by you shot him a worried glance. Your plan wasn't meant to end with Enzo going in there, it was meant for the end of you.

You waited and waited for what seemed like forever. Enzo's screams piercing your ears. You couldn't help but feel guilty. Though, you're strength had improved deeply meaning you could possibly get Enzo out as well as yourself. The doctor and Enzo came out and you played limp again while Enzo was put into his cell. The doctor opened your cell door to see what was wrong with you but in that split second, you jumped up and snapped the doctor's neck, Enzo's eyes growing wide. You get out and start to attempt opening Enzo's cell door but you hear footsteps; they only make you go faster,

"Go Y/N, get out of here now."

You shook your head and kept trying,

"No, I can't leave you here!"

Enzo reached through the bars and grabbed your face, looking you directly in the eye,

"You have to. I love you, now go."

And with that, Enzo brought his lips to yours as a tear slipped down your cheek. An emotion you haven't felt in a long time was resurfacing as you ran to the door.


You still wonder what happened to the man that saved your life, but you keep looking for him no matter what because he's your first love and first heartbreak. Hopefully, you'll find him and mend the broken pieces.


Love you awesome nerds


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