Imagine #31- Stefan

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Part two of imagine #30

It had been a year since you've been in Mystic Falls; Since you've moved to Los Angeles. Moving to Los Angeles was the best thing for you, or so you thought. Everything was great; you had a job, a boyfriend, a nice apartment but something was missing. There was a part of you that felt empty.

You were walking down the street one day and heard something from the alley. Any other day you would've ignored it and sped up your walking but today was different. You peered into the dark alleyway and called out,


Maybe you were acting like the clueless victim in a horror movie but you walked into the alley towards a low groan. You sped up when you saw a younger man laying on the ground, surrounded by blood,

"Oh my god, are you ok?"

You knelt down beside the man and realized that he was already dead. You got up quickly, knowing that whoever murdered him was probably near by. You turned around and looked into a pair of blood shot eyes; they didn't look like normal, human bloodshot eyes,

"Hello, Y/N."

Fangs were bared and the man with the raven hair didn't look human anymore,


He smirked before walking closer,

"It'll all be clear soon."

The man sped up to you, holding you tightly. You tried to break free from his grip but you were helpless. Your eyes went wide when you saw him bite through his own flesh, pushing his bloody wrist in your face. You refused to let it go anywhere near your mouth but he forced you to drink his blood. You almost puked when the metallic blood flowed down your throat. When he pulled his wrist back, a sharp pain went down your spine from your neck being snapped.


You gasped for air as if you had been drowning, and looked around at your surroundings. You were starving, your head was pounding and everything felt different. You knew you were no longer in Los Angeles because this place seemed much darker, much more mysterious. You got up off of the bed and walked towards a door that lead to a staircase. You could hear people talking loud and clear as if they were standing right in front of you,

"How could you do this to her Damon! I let her go for a reason! I let her go so that she would be safe!"

You heard his voice and remembered that night a year ago, when Stefan Salvatore compelled you. You felt so many emotions at once, it was too overwhelming. You sped downstairs to make sure you weren't imagining things, that you weren't in some sort of sick dream. You looked at two backs; the backs of Damon and Stefan Salvatore,

"No, this is not happening."

Both Salvatore's turn to face you. Damon looking at you with a smirk plastered on his face whereas Stefan stood with a face filled with guilt, regret.

"Oh honey, it's happening."

Stefan stayed quiet.


You had fed from a human and as much as it felt good, it felt terrible at the same time. Damon and Stefan had both been trying to help you with being a vampire, but there was a question that was still eating you up inside. You had to ask Stefan or you would live the rest of your life never knowing,


You saw him tense up when he heard your voice but he slowly turned around with a smile on his face; it was a sad smile but still, a smile. You walked up to him,

"Hey, Y/N. Something wrong?"

You took a deep breath,

"Why did you compel me to forget what we had?"

Stefan shook his head, groaning slightly,

"I was trying to protect you from this life. I wanted you to have a family, a husband, kids, a life. You were never going to have that with me."

Stefan turned his head away from you. He couldn't look you in the eye but you grabbed his face gently and forced him to look at you,

"I love you Stefan. If that meant giving up a family then I would, if it meant getting to spend my life with you-"

Tears formed in his eyes,

"I loved you enough to let you go."

You pulled him closer,

"I love you enough to give up everything for you."

You brought your lips to his and he caved in.

Stefan loved you more than anything in the world and to have you back in his arms, his lips on yours, is the best thing that could ever happen to him. He would do anything to keep you.

For the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breath.



Love you awesome nerds


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