Imagine 15- Jeremy

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Imagine late night calls with Jeremy while he's away

You haven't seen Jeremy in a while and you've started to miss him, a lot. He told you that if you ever missed him that you needed to phone him, draw or go outside and right now you just wanted to hear his voice. You dialed his number and pressed call, waiting and waiting with no answer. After 6 tries you gave up and left a message,

"Hey Jer. You're probably asleep right now, that's cool. I miss you. Call me."

You hung up and decided that maybe you should take Jer's advice and go outside. You got a light coat on and slipped your shoes on, walking up and down the block. Your thoughts turned into fears and those fears started to control your mind, What if Jeremy's in trouble? What if he doesn't want to be with you anymore? What if he doesn't love you anymore? You quickly walked back to your house and went straight for the phone to see that you had one missed call from Jeremy so you quickly phoned him with tears streaming down your face,


You sighed in relief,

"Hi Jer."

"What's up?"

You sniffled,

"I missed you, a lot."

"Aw babe I miss you too. How was your day today?"


You had been talking for about 3 hours and it was 1am,

"I should probably go to sleep now."

You didn't want to say it but you were exhausted,

"Ok babe. Sweet dreams, love you."

You smiled,

"Love you too."


Love you awesome nerds


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