Preference #27

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What TVD guy secretly likes you
A/N- This has nothing to do with who you're related to in Preference #6 BTW

Damon- Kai
As much as Kai, let's say, dislikes Damon, he would never want to lose you in the process. You're so nice to Kai all the time and you treat him nice even after you heard the terrible things he did to his family. You gave him a second chance and he didn't want you to change your mind so he kept his feelings to himself.
Stefan- Klaus
Klaus always admired your beauty from a distance and it was probably better that way seeing as though you started dating Stefan not that long after Klaus noticed it. Klaus always regretted not getting to you first but he loved seeing you happy so that's all that mattered to him. Who am I kidding? He's thought about killing Stefan more times then one.
Tyler- Jeremy
It's not unusual for Tyler and Jeremy to like the same girl, I mean, it's happened before but this time Jeremy doesn't speak out about it since Tyler and him are on good grounds. Jeremy has thought about stealing you away from Tyler but he would hate to put you in the middle of it so he only imagines and never tells anyone about his feelings for you.
Matt- Kol
Kol would typically steal a guys girl but for some reason he wants to keep his, little crush on you, to himself. Kol is fairly close to you and he doesn't want to ruin that friendship but every time he thinks of a relationship with you he pushes you away.
Jeremy- Stefan
Stefan would never take another man's girl but he could dream, right? Stefan keeps to himself and especially when he's developed feelings for another guy's girlfriend. He's thought of what it would be like to date you but then he thinks about little Gilbert and forces himself to not think of such things but he couldn't help it.
Elijah- Damon
Damon not showing his feelings for someone he loves is rare. He wants to show them he cares and he wants to make them fall for him because that's how Damon is. He sees the way you look at Elijah with so much love that he imagines what it would be like if that was him you were looking at. He could only dream.
Klaus- Tyler
Tyler is constantly trying to piss off Klaus but he doesn't want to hurt you in the process so he keeps his love for you to himself as much as he would love to hurt Klaus.
Kai- Enzo
Enzo would be constantly flirting with a girl if he liked them but he doesn't do that with you for some reason. Enzo's almost scared to admit his feelings for you and he doesn't know why. Maybe it's your purity or your kindness that made him want to stay friends and not admit his feelings. Enzo will keep his feelings for you inside him until he can't anymore.
Kol- Matt
Matt has never thought of dating another guys girl especially if her boyfriend was an original but with you he can't deny those feelings but he doesn't want to die either so he keeps those feelings to himself.
Enzo- Elijah
Elijah loves you dearly but you don't know that. Elijah is too gentlemen like to steal a man's girl similar to Stefan. Elijah would do anything to have you run to his arms instead of Enzo's but he knows how much you love Enzo so Elijah waits by the edge of friend-zone.
You might not care but that's ok😊😂
Love you awesome nerds
(and so do the TVD boys😏)

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