Preference #41

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Famous male YouTubers the guys think you would leave them for

Damon- Logan Paul
Logan's sarcasm and sense of humour makes Damon uneasy but it's when Logan does pranks and makes sexual references that Damon feels threatened.
Stefan- The Dolan Twins
They're funny, kind, and Stefan's true opponent. Don't forget that they're also extremely sexy. Stefan feels like he needs to step up his game to beat those beauties.
Tyler- Mark Dohner
Tyler and Mark kind of look similar in a way but the only thing that puts Tyler at a loss is his werewolfness.
Matt- Jake Paul
Jake Paul is crazy yet extremely fun to be around. Matt on the other hand likes to stick around the safe side. When it comes to entertainment, Matt is losing.
Jeremy- David Dobrik
David sometimes makes drug references which is hilarious, sometimes, but since Jeremy has actually been on drugs he feels he's not good enough for you.
Elijah- Nash Grier
His blue eyes could drop you dead and what does Elijah have? Vampirism which could possibly drop you dead, literally.
Klaus- Casper Lee
It's the accent.
Kai- Cameron Dallas
He's cute, funny and doesn't seem like a psychopath.
Kol- Juanpa Zurita
He's an adorable Mexican boy with big blue eyes and brown hair. His accent makes your heart stop and his smile is precious. Kol is a little on the scary, more intimidating side which is not exactly the best trait to have.
Enzo- Chance Sutton or Anthony Trujillo
All I have to say is, OHIO.

A/N: Ok so my past couple posts have been about YouTubers but that's because my friend and I are going to start a YouTube channel😁 We're super excited but kind of terrified (at least I am😂). So far we only have our Instagram account up @itsemmaandnicole (shameless plug) but I would really appreciate it if you would support us on our journey into the world of YouTube💜 If you don't want to I understand but it would mean the world to me if you guys did😊 Just think about for now😂

Also I'm sorry if you don't like some of the YouTubers on here. Personally, I couldn't see myself with some of them so if you can't either, that's chill😂😂

Love you awesome nerds


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