Preference #42

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Favourite Why Don't We song

Damon- These Girls

You relate to almost all of the girls in the song, it's got a good vibe/good tune and it's kind of catchy. Damon can relate to it too since he used to hook up with girls a lot🙄 😂.

Stefan- Taking You

It has a cute meaning and you definitely feel that way about Stefan when you listen to it.

Tyler- We the Party

It's basically you and Tyler at any party and you absolutely love it.

Jeremy- Why Don't We Just

It's just one of those songs that you have you sing along to and it kind of reminds you of you and Jeremy. Kind of but not really but kind of😂.

Matt- Made For

Matt is kind of sensitive in the sense that he's sort of vulnerable and you don't mean to but you sometimes take advantage of him. He loves you so much that he can't stop no matter what. This song pretty much describes that.

Elijah- Something Different

It's fun to dance and sing along to and even though Elijah isn't one to do that, you often find him lip syncing to the song. There are some parts that you often find relatable to yourself and Elijah too.

Klaus- Just To See You Smile

Klaus does everything he can just to see you smile because he loves you and your smile so much. He'll do everything in his power to make you happy and you find that this song relates to that.

Kai- Free

Kai likes this song and in a way, it's like saying that he would do anything to protect you and keep you free from harms way. Or free from a prison world.

Kol- Tell Me

The first part of the song is basically Kol flirting with you and you love singing and dancing to this song with Kol whether you're sober or not.

Enzo- All My Love

It's repetitive yet catchy and you love singing it to Enzo. He says he finds it annoying but you know he loves it.


A/N: I don't update very often but when I do, it's very sh*tty

I'm so sorry😂

Also if you've never heard any music by Why Don't We you should check them out

I really like them but idk if everyone else will but I don't care just check them out😂 

It was really hard picking songs for each guy cause I really wanted to use all the songs but sadly I couldn't

But anyways...


Love you awesome nerds


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