1-The contract

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August 18, 2015

"So mom what is this meeting even about?" I looked out the window as we sat in the back seat of the car stuck in LA traffic for what seems to have been hours.
My mom was scrolling on her phone as always, barely paying any attention to me causing me to become aggravated after a long moment of silence and my question not being answered. I pushed her shoulder a bit making her quickly glance up then back down at her phone.

"Justin Bieber's manager wants to talk about a deal." She gave me a shitty answer as she continued to email people on her phone adjusting herself in her seat.

I rolled my eyes at her response not feeling like getting into an argument once again at how annoying and rude she can be and decided to pull my phone out as well and just ignore her. I saw I had two text messages from T from a little after we left the house. T is my boyfriend aka the rapper tyga. We've kept our relationship quiet since I just turned 18 on the 10th and he's a few years older than I am and it was such a big deal when people began to speculate due to the huge age difference.
We plan on waiting a while longer before telling everyone about us and our relationship, It's too soon to go public about it now all the hate isn't necessary in a relationship people know nothing about.

We arrived to the location, the driver opened the door and I saw about 10 people standing outside screaming my name. How they were able to even get on the lot, I have no clue but i didn't mind.
I smiled as I recorded them on my snapchat freaking out over me, I greeted a few of themand took a couple of pictures before walking inside, my mom followed behind me.

"In here Ms.Jenner." A blonde woman spoke while rapidly waving her hand making me give her a smile before entering the room.
In the room I immediately saw Justin and scooter as well as Justin's parents sitting down at the rather large glass table.

I gave Justin a hug and shook scooters hand and waved to Justin's parents. I sat down next to my mom who finally put her phone down and was now all ears for this secret meeting that they had going on.

"Okay, thank you all for coming especially on such short notice." My mom and I gave him a smile as we waited for scooter to continue.

"So you're all probably wondering why you're here, well that's because we have something big planned." He took a dramatic pause before walking over to Justin, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Justin here is one of the worlds biggest stars, and so is the beautiful Kylie. The world went absolutely crazy when they saw this picture of Justin with the two Jenner sisters a few days ago, they want more Jylie."
"What the hell is Jylie?" Justin spoke up with a confused look.

But what the hell is jylie?

"It's your name and Kylie's name combined. Back to what I was saying, imagine if the two of them were a couple for a while. It's a great move for both of your careers. Justin will be releasing an album and Kylie a makeup line soon."

"So what, you want us to date for a couple of months and be done with each other after we use each other to promote our shit?" I crossed my arms over my chest not believing what was coming out of his mouth. I looked over at my mom who had her eyes focused on scooter.

"Not exactly, you guys will be the new 'it' couple. I've come up with a contract, it basically says you'll date for at least a year, after the year you can choose to either sign another one or to go your separate ways. If you sign it then that means no boyfriends or girlfriends on the side." Scooter looked over at Justin who had a frown on his face, "you will be this generations bradgelina." He finished with a smile on his face.

"This is crazy, mom..?" I kept my eyes on her waiting for her to shut it down, she spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"How would money come into all of this?"
My eyes widened at her, is she seriously considering this? No, no way! My mom isn't thinking about making me be fake in love with Justin just to sell more lip kits, right?

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